3.5: you are safe with me

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DiNg DoNG. DiNg DoNg.

The pale male made his way out the big building and walked himself to his apartment. Yoongi hums one of his song melodies as he walks down the sidewalk clutching his black bag lazily.

I should stop by the coffee shop. I'm tired as fuck, and carve some iced coffee. Yoongi thought to himself.

As Yoongi walked home, he started to get the feeling that he was walking home with someone tailing him close behind.

Yoongi could hear faint footsteps from behind, and started to pick up his pace.

Shivers ran down his spine.

To say that the pale male was terrified is an understatement. He was scared to hell.

After a few more day of absolutely thinking and watching carefully his surroundings, he had finally concluded that someone was watching him all this time. And it scared the pale man.

He felt so uneasy went he went out alone. He had even locked all his doors, covered his windows completely and had bought a wooden bat that he kept to the side of his bed and even pepper spray. Just in case something were to happen.

But he didn't dare to speak about it with the others. Yoongi thought it was unnecessary. They wouldn't take him seriously anyway.

Yoongi's breath hitched as he felt a presence too terribly close and started to clutch his bag tightly with trembling fingers.

Was this person his stalker? Why is he following him? What does he want? Was he going to kill him?

At this point, the smaller panicked and dashed forward, not daring to look back. He had only one goal in mind. Run home.

Footsteps trailed closely behind the small man as he ran for his dear life. The tall male who trailed him smirked in amusement.

'You can't run away from me Yoongi.~'

Yoongi turned sharply into a corner, and was about to drop his bag and run at full speed, but a firm hand landed on his fragile shoulder. The younger male closed his eyes and yelped a loud 'No!' as he was being pulled back.

"Yoongi! Yoongi, it's Hyung. Are you alright?" Seokjin asked with a concern face, hiding his smirk and excitement in seeing the younger male in such state. Yoongi opened his eyes and looked up at his hyung, trembling in fear.

'Ahhh...that's what I wanted to see. So...beautiful.'

"J-Jin Hyung? Why are-W-where is h-he? I-is he gone?" Yoongi asked as he looked around cautiously. "Who are you talking about? I didn't see anyone." The taller lied as he smiled.

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