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[3RD POV] (goddamn *chokes*^)_________

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[3RD POV] (goddamn *chokes*^)

Yoongi didn't like this. He didn't like any of whatever this was.

After his little 'accident', Seokjin babied him like a child. 

He didn't like it.

Being fed by Seokjin who was his stalker for who knows how long. Being treated like a baby. The brunette didn't let him do anything. Anything.

Jin fed him, and carried him everywhere around the house that day. He never left the younger boy alone.

He only watched and stared at him with those dark brown orbs. It terrified Yoongi to the point he was even scared to even breathe.

He was scared to move or even say anything. He didn't want to anger the man. One wrong move, and he's done for.

Who knew that his 'Hyung' would be this terrifying. Yoongi started to regret even coming to Seoul. He should've stayed in Daegu with his damn father. He should've stayed. He should've fucken stayed.

Why did he even come here? If he knew that this would've happened, Yoongi would've stayed home; but he didn't.

The pair were currently in the older's living room. Seokjin made Yoongi sit on his lap while they watched the news. Said boy was uncomfortably stiff and frightened on Jin's lap.

Yoongi didn't even pay attention to the TV; his gaze trained on the small glass coffee table in front of him. He felt terribly uncomfortable that he kept on biting his already bloody and bruised lips.

I want to go home. I don't want to be here. I want to go home. Yoongi chanted over and over again with tears starting to form in his eyes. His breath hitched and he tensed when the man wrapped his arms strong around his waist.

"Yoongi baby? Are you hungry?" Seokjin asked the mint boy as he nuzzled his nose against his pale neck. Yoongi gave no response.

Jin tsked a bit and squeezed the male tight, earning a small whimper from the male on his lap.

"Answer me doll." Seokjin commanded with a stein voice.

"N-no. N-n-not h-hungry." Yoongi stuttered choppily with fear. Jin hummed.

"It's getting late. We should probably go to bed." Seokjin suggested after he took a look at the clock on the wall. It was ten before 11 PM. Pretty late if you ask Jin.

"O-okay." Yoongi said just above a whisper.

He was startled when Jin gently patted the side of his thigh, wanting the male to get up and off his lap. Yoongi did as indicated, and got off the older, relief washing over him.

The mint haired male watched as his stalker got up from the couch and turned off the television. He turned to Yoongi and extended out his hand. Yoongi reluctantly grabbed the hand, and let the older male drag him upstairs.

Yoongi was surprised Seokjin let him walk. He always carried him around, so it confusing to Yoongi that he let him walk now. Just what is in that man's mind?

When the pair made it to the last step, Seokjin suddenly stopped in his tracks. He looked back at Yoongi with something in his eyes.

Yoongi panicked and bit the inside of his cheek, not liking the stare Jin gave him. Yoongi's eyes roamed everywhere, but the man's eyes.

W-what d-did I d-do? D-did I do something w-wrong? W-Why is he l-looking at me l-like that. I-don't like it. W-Will he hit me a-again? B-But I d-d-didn't do a-anything. W-why-

"Yoongi," Said male jolted when he heard his name fall out of Seokjin's lips. Jin sighed and sqeezed the younger's hand.

"You know Yoongi. I'm doing all this for you."

Yoongi stopped his movements to process what the male just said. W-What?

Yoongi looked up to meet Seokjin's soften gaze. Jin looked like the normal Seokjin. The soft and gentle Seokjin. The kind and loving Hyung he knew.

The mint boy dryly laughed out, surprising the older.

"For me?" Anger started to bubbling in Yoongi's stomach.

"For me?! I NEVER FUCKEN WANTED ANY OF THIS JIN!" Yoongi shouts in rage as he ripped his hand away from the male.

"YOU did this. THIS is what YOU wanted not me!" Seokjin remained calm as he watched Yoongi shout in anger.

"I only want to make you happy alongside me Yoongi, even if it means to keep you locked up here, I'll make you happy." Yoongi shook his head once again, stepping back one step with tears threating to fall at any moment.

"You think that treating me like a child makes me happy Hyung?" Yoongi's lips trembled with emotion.

"I'll never be happy. Not with you. Never." Yoongi firmly says, his cheeks now wet from his fat heavy tears.

"We'll see about that Yoongi."

Those were the last words Yoongi heard before blacking out.

No proofread.
A/N: Hello, long time no fucken update. Sorry for not updating this book in a while.

I've been trying to figure out what the FUCK I want to do with this story. I really don't know where I wanna go wit this shit ass story. *RIP*

So like....

do y'all want Yoongi to hate Jin for the rest of the book or do y'all want him to gradually fall for Jin?

At this point I don't even know what the fuck I should do...*screams high pitched*

Any way, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I thank y'all for reading and hope you Petals have a good rest of your day.


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