17.0: if anything happens...

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[3RD POV]The makane ran down the dimly lit streets

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The makane ran down the dimly lit streets. His eyes alternated between his phone screen and the dark cement sidewalk in front.

The male huffed out, and his nerves came to their peak point as he slowed down in front of a modern looking house.

It wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. It looked normal. Very normal.

Jeongguk inhaled sharply.

Come Jeongguk. You can do this. The man thought as he finally took a firm step towards the house. He ran towards the left to hide behind a large bush in the front porch.

Jeongguk poked his head out to look around the street before he quietly backed up towards the wooden fence. He searched for any big rocks he could step on, but found none.

"Damn." He cursed as he looked back again to check if anyone was watching. Once he felt like it was okay, he quickly jumped up so he was able to grab the top if the fence.

His feet sung onto the wood, making it rattle. He just hoped it wasn't loud enough for someone to hear.

The brunette pulled himself up with much effort, bitting his bottom lip to surpass a groan. One of his legs pushed off the side of the house in order to get half of his body on top of the wooden fence.

The makane stopped in his tracks when he heard voices from behind. His heart raced and he quickly threw one leg over to the other side, and turned around with his other leg following.

He hopped off and leaned against the house, watching carefully through the thin cracks of the wood.

Passing by, were two women with a white dog in a leash. Jeongguk sighed and looked back into the yard. He quietly balled up his fists, and walked forward with his back against the house.

Jeongguk stopped at the corner and peaked around. He could only see a set of stairs that led inside, a few flower pots, and a small garden in the opposite corner.

From there, he could hear silverware clashing together and running water.

Someone was washing dishes.

So from the corner, the male looked up for any windows and surely there was a large curtain-less kitchen window just above, a few feet to his right.

Jeongguk closed his eyes before dashing towards the window and crouching down, his back against the house. He heard the clacking of the dishes stop momentarily, before resuming.

Just as Jeongguk was about to take a peak inside the house, his phone rang loudly. The male gasped, almost immediately dropping to ground to quiet down the device.

The makane silenced his phone, noticing the shadows that were casted from the window shift.

He held his breath, clutching onto this vibrating phone as he watched the shadow move, before it was gone. The brunette looked down at his phone and answered. "What?"  "J-Jeongguk! Y-You-where the fuck are you?" Hoseok's voice rang against the males ears.

"Why? What do you even want? I'm-I'm kinda busy." The younger answers as he turn his head to the side.

"Look Gguk. I've been thinking and thinking about what you said and I'm... I'm starting to think that you're right about a-all this."

Jeongguk didn't respond and stood up to peak into the slightly open window. He was only able to steal a quick glance of Seokjin's back that was opening a cupboard.

"Jeongguk?"  Just as the red head said his name, the stalker turned his head sharply to the window, and Jeongguk's heart leaped out of his chest as he quickly dropped down and pressed his back against the outside of the house.

"Shhhh. Be quiet Hyung." Jeongguk hushed the male with a whisper. He watched as Seokjin's shadow appeared and stopped at the window.

The makane's heart kept racing, and his hands kept shaking in fear.

Please go away. Please go away. You didn't see me.The younger thought before he saw a hand reached out to completely shut the window.

The brunette waited until the stalkers' shadow disappear before answering the phone. "Okay. W-what was it that you said Hyung?"

"J-Jeongguk. P-Please tell me you're not at h-his place right now." Jeongguk could tell his Hyung's voice trembled as he spoke. The younger male said nothing, a bit of guilt crept up his stomach.

"G-Guk are you fucken dumb! W-What are you thinking?!?" Hoseok shouts thought the line. The makane bit his lip, unable to answer.

Hobi Hyung, I'm sorry.

"P-Please don't do anything stupid. Please Jeongguk. Pleas-"
"It's too late for that Hobi Hyung." The brunette cut in.

The younger knew that what he was doing was stupid. He wasn't a superhero after all. He was just a college student, trying to break in someone's house in order to save another's student's life. He could even be killed.

Yeah, nothing stupid about that.

Jeongguk exhaled and stared down at his trembling hand.

"Hyung." He whispered to the male on the other line. Tears blurred his eyesight, and he looked up towards the star-filled sky.

"If anything happens to me," The male paused before crawling to the side, away from the window and stood up with a determined look in his eyes.

"Go get help."

No proof read.
A/N: Helloo! Long time no UD! I'm sorry! But um, I thank you for waiting for me, and giving me some time to re-group myself.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, though I feel like i kinda half assed it. I sorry if it's terrible! :(

But yeah.... I hope you guys are ready for the next chapter because it will be... no spoilers but it will be one hell of a ride. So buckle up!

I love you all my Petals and have a wonderful day!

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