7.0: as planned

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edited and revised

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edited and revised.



A drugged Yoongi shouts over the thudding music. Yoongi tried to wiggle his way out of the makane' s hold, but failed.

Seokjin narrows his eyes at the brunette who still had his hands firmly pressed on the mint boy's hips.

"Yoon come here. We are leaving." Jin grabbed Yoongi by his pale hand. He pulled the younger towards him, but he was pulled back by Jeongguk.

"Yoongi Hyung is staying with me Hyung." The makane stared blankly at his so called 'Hyung'.

Yes. It was in fact Jeon Jeongguk who saw Seokjin drug Yoongi's drink.

He had seen it all. The only question was why? For what reason did the oldest drug the drink? What was he planning to do? What was or more, what is his intention?

"Let him go Gguk." Seokjin said in a serious tone with a fake smile.

"I know what you did Hyung. I'm not letting Yoongi Hyung go with you." Jeongguk told the older.

Seokjin froze for a bit, but then smirked evilly. He tighten his death grip on Yoongi's wrist, making Yoongi wince.

"Owwie! G-Ggukie, let go. I wanna go with Jinie.~" Yoongi drunkly shook away the youngest's hand. Seokjin smirked as he pulled Yoongi away from the makane.

"B-But Yoongi Hyun-" "Yoon, be a good boy and wait for Hyung with Joon ok?"

"YEs SiRr~" Yoongi walked drunk, struggling to walk in a straight line though the crowd. Seokjin turned around to face the brunette.

"What the fuck did you put in Yoongi's drink?" "That's none of your business." Jin replied to the younger.

"I'll tell the others." The younger threatens. Seokjin laughed before pulling Jeongguk by the collar.

"You can tell who ever the fuck you want. You better not get in my way Jeongguk. Who knows what I might do." Jin threatens with a twisted smile.

Jeongguk froze at the words his Hyung said. His dark evil orbs and his wicked smile sent shivers down his spine.

It was the first time the younger felt frighten to death. His fun, sweet, loving, and cheerful Jin Hyung was gone. He's been lied to. Seokjin was fake. All this time he was two-sided.

So fake.

Soekjin let go of the brunette and walked away, with a bothered look on his face. He didn't want to waste any time arguing with the younger. It was useless. He had other plans.


So I've been caught. Damn it. Fucken bastard. I'll deal with the brat later. Now, where's my babyboy?

I think to myself as I push through the crowd.

I smile when I find Yoongi sitting in one of the chairs besides Namjoon who was reading a fucken book? Really? Who the fuck reads in a damn night club? He really is something.

I walk over to them and call out to my doll.

"Yoonie, let's go home." He looks up, and stumbled out of his chair.

"Yes s-SiR! *hiccup* Y-Yoongi'sh a good boy. Waited like Hyungie said. *hiccup* "

"Yes you did. Come here," I praise him with a kiss on his head.

"Joon I'm taking Yoongi home." He looks up from his book and frowns.

"Already? We barely got here Hyung." He checks his watch with a raising brow.

"I know, but Yoongi is drunk already. Just look at the poor thing." Joon takes a look at Yoongi.

"Jinie? do you think unicorns rwelly shit rainbows?" Yoongi asked as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

"You're right. I'll tell the others. Bye Hyungs." With that I grab Yoongi by the waist and we walk out. I take my phone out and call my driver.

"Come pick me up, and make it quick." I ended the call and turn to Yoongi.

"Yoon, baby? Are you okay?" He hiccups and nods his head.

"H-hyungie, Yoongizz' tired. Wanna sleep.~" He whines.

"I know babyboy. Wait until we get home yeah?" I smirk as I hold onto his waist waiting for our ride.

[3RD POV] 

Seokjin's chauffeur arrives and the two males get in. Seokjin pulls Yoongi on his lap; the younger lazily rests his head on his broad chest.

"Yoongi, don't sleep yet. We still have to talk about something." Jin told the younger. He heard no response and soft snoring. He sighs.

Well, I guess punishment will have to wait. At least I got what I wanted. This went as planned. Except fucken Jeongguk. I wonder what I should do with him.

An idea popped into his head and he smiled darkly.

The male did indeed plan this from the very start. Today was Friday. Not only the last day of the week but the last day they were going to Uni for three weeks. It was a three week break for the students before last semester, and it was perfect.

He had his babyboy for three whole weeks. He could finally make Yoongi his. The thought of all he was going to do to the pale male drove him mad crazy. Yes indeed.

Everything went as planned.

No proofread.
A/N: Hello! Short chapter sorry! I thank you for reading and hope you have a good day Petals!

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!! From now on I wanna plan on updating ALL (or maybe some) of my stories on ONE single day if I can, instead of every other random day.

Is that okay with you my Loves?

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