13.5: you wouldn't understand

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Those were the last words Yoongi heard before blacking out

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Those were the last words Yoongi heard before blacking out.


Before Yoongi fell back unconscious, Seokjin was quick to grab him by the arm. Yoongi's limp body fell to the rugged stairs for a moment before being picked up again by the older man.

Jin placed the mint haired male over his broad shoulder, and continued up the stairs to his bedroom. The door opened with a soft creak, and Jin threw the smaller man on the bed.

Yoongi landed on the soft bed with a gentle thump. Seokjin stood in front of the younger with his hands on his hips and a blank face.

"You're so stubborn Yoongi." Jin talked to the unconscious male. He slowly approached his bed, and sat besides Yoongi.

"I am doing this for you, you know? All of this is for you." He placed his cold hand on the younger's cheek.

"You move to Seoul for a better life right? A life without that piece of shit of a father you had right?" Jin paused and caressed Yoongi's cheek with his thumb.

"You don't have to worry about Min fucking Junseok right now babydoll. You'll get your revenge Yoongi. I'll make sure you do, but that's for another day hmm?" Seokjin smiled, gliding his thumb along Yoongi's chapped and bruised lips.

"I love you, and I know you love me too." Jin leaned in to kiss Yoongi on his nose, forehead and lastly on his bruised lips.

When he pulled back, his phone vibrated inside the pocket of his sweats. He pulled it out and looked at the contact on the phone unamused.


This little brat. What the fuck does he want now? Seokjin tsked annoyed. He got up from the mattress and walked out his room, making sure to lock it.

"What do you want? I'm busy." Jin answered the phone with displeased voice.

"Where is Yoongi Hyung you sick bastard." Seokjin was unamused by the younger male on the line; he only sighed and smirked.

"I don't know. You tell me." Jeongguk scoffed by the older's taunting words.

"Listen Kim fucken Seokjin. If you hurt Yoongi Hyung in any way I'll-" "You'll what? Call the cops on me? Haha. You have to do better than that Jeonggukie. I won't fall that easily." Seokjin smirked as he walked down the hall and down the stairs.

"..." "What? Cat got ya tongue?" Jeongguk sighed with a stuttering breath.

"What happened to you Hyung? You're n-not like this. T-This isn't you. This ISN'T you.." Jin listened to the male on the other line weep.

"You used to be so c-caring and loving, and l-look at you now! YOU'RE SO FUCKEN EVIL HYUNG. YOU'RE MAD!" Seokjin stopped and looked out the window with dull brown eyes.

"You're wrong Gguk. I'm just doing what I have to do to make Yoongi happy." He calmly states just above a whisper while he stared out the window.

"You wouldn't understand. He belongs with me. I'll take care of him Gguk. I promise." "Hyung-" Seokjin cut off the younger by hanging up the phone.

"You wouldn't understand Jeongguk. No one would." Seokjin said with a dry painful voice.


"UURRGHHH FUCK!" Jeongguk tossed his phone angrily at the wall. The device hit the structure hard enough to slightly dent it.

Jeongguk paced back and forth in his room nervously biting his now bloody nails, and roughly wiping his hot tears away.

"What the FUCK am I suppose to do? I don't know where the fucker lives, and Yoongi hyung hasn't been answering my calls." Jeongguk talked to himself out loud.

"Should I call the cops? Or should I just.. no that won't work." Jeongguk finally stopped pacing, and his doe brown eyes widen.

"Maybe I should just tell someone about it." He looked to the side where his body mirror hanged and stared at his reflection.

His long locks were messy, his doe eyes were puffy from crying, and his pink lips were chapped.

"Yeah, I should tell one of the guys, but who?" Jeongguk bored holes into mirror, thinking hard about who he should tell.

It can't be Tae or Jimin, they won't take this seriously. Namjoon hyung admires Jin too much, so he won't believe me. So that means...

The last and only option the makane had was Hoseok. His smiley, cheerful sunshine hyung.

"Hoseok Hyung. He'll know what to do right?" The makane quickly made his decision and grabbed his surprisingly non-cracked phone.

Hoseok hyung will help me right? He will believe me...


No proofread.
A/N: Hellooo. Hope you enjoyed this short chap.

Many of you wanted Yoongi to HATE Jin for the rest of the book soo... I'll do just that.

Now, I know many of you ALSO wanted Yoon to FALL for Jin.. so I'll somehow do that too.

Just be aware that Yoongi will fall for Jin VERY slowly. It'll take some time or maybe ALOT OF TIME for him to fall completely.

If I make him fall for Jinie so easily it'll make this story so cliché and I don't want that. That'll be boring AF.

Also, there will or will not be some murder in this story...

and no I'm not gonna kill Kookie But,

Our makane is getting older and older as the years past by🥺🥺😭

I hope our lil bunny has a wonderful day celebrating with his family!


Wit that said, thank you for reading this shit ass story! I FUCKEN LOVE Y'ALL! ;)

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Wit that said, thank you for reading this shit ass story! I FUCKEN LOVE Y'ALL! ;)


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