18.0: are you lying to me?

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[3RD POV] "Yoongi!" Seokjin yelled as he carefully poured in some hot raspberry tea in a cup

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"Yoongi!" Seokjin yelled as he carefully poured in some hot raspberry tea in a cup. A loud thud upstairs made the older male stop in his tracks.

Jin turned his head and squinted his dark brown eyes in attempt to make out anything else, but it was quiet..

"Yoongi baby! Come down! I made tea for you!" This time, the stalker walked towards the stairs and stopped. Cold eyes shifted towards the sliding door in the kitchen.

A dark glint is the stalker's eyes was shown when a small smirk appeared on his plump lips.

"Looks like the bunny hopped right into the wolf's mouth."


"Hyung? Yoongi Hyung?!" Jeongguk whispered yelled at the empty window. The younger heard a small yelp and yet more soft thuds.

W-What happened? Did he get caught? But Seokjin is downstairs! The brunette panicked and looked around the yard.

He swiftly moved towards the kitchen window and exhaled before taking a peek. Jeongguk saw the taller man's back before he started walking up the stairs.

"Fuck." The younger cursed before he looked around and dashed towards the other side of the yard for a hefty stone. The rock was Jeongguk' s palm size, but it was sharp.

Without planning anything, the makane tugged on the sliding door, and slipped inside...

"Yoongi-ah?" Seokjin stepped up the stairs with a raised brow. The stalker stopped near the closed bathroom door, and waited for an answer.

Shuffling was heard clearly and Seokjin cocked his head. Dark eyes landed on the knob and he reached for it.

Seconds before touching the knob, Yoongi spoke on the other side.

"I-I'm just getting c-changed." Yoongi's voice wavered through. Jin wasn't fazed, and he tugged on the knob.

"Open the door." Yoongi on the other side shook his head rapidly.

"I'll give you 5 seconds, and if this door isn't unlocked you'll see what I have stored for you as punishment. Choose wisely." Yoongi bit his lip, and glanced down at his twisted foot.


He'd be damned if he didn't open the door, but if he does what will happen to him?


Will he get hurt for getting hurt?


Either way, there was no guarantee that he'd be safe.


Being anywhere near Kim Seokjin wasn't at all safe. Yoongi closed his eyes, hating himself to death for limping towards the door and unlocking it.

As soon as the soft click was heard, Seokjin slammed the door open. Yoongi stumbled back and towards the floor.

There stood Kim Seokjin with dark eyes that sent shivers down Yoongi's spine. Yoongi scooted all the way back till his back met the bathroom wall.

Jin stepped inside only to shut the door and relock it again. The mint haired man shivered under his stalker's eyes, trying his best to cover his swollen ankle with one of Seokjin's sweats.

"What happened here?" Yoongi's heart stopped the moment the tall handsome man crouched down in front of him, his dark eyes never leaving his.

"N-nothing. Nothing happened."

"Really?" Jin asked with a murderous smile. Yoongi nodded in fear.

"HHAA!" Yoongi yelped the moment Seokjin slammed his left hand on the wall near his head.

Seokjin leaned down to nudge his nose on the side of Yoongi's damp mint hair. Hot breath fanned Yoongi's ear which only made Yoongi coward away.

"Do you think I'm stupid babyboy?" Jin whispered in his dongsaeng's ear. Yoongi heart skipped for a second, and he shook his head.

"N-no." The stalker hummed, leaning back but still trapping Yoongi in-between his arm.

"Are you lying to me Yoongi-ah?" Jin asked as his right hand carefully caressed Yoongi's side profile before he aggressively grabbed the younger's jaw tightly.

Yoongi let out a displeased grunt, his hand that was once covering his injured foot went flying towards his Hyung's arm.

"I-I'm s-sorry. I-it hurts." Yoongi managed to say as he looked at Jin with a pleading look.

"I asked if you were lying to me." Seokjin tugged Yoongi forward.

"Yes! Y-es. I-lied." Oh, there it was. The line the stalker wanted to hear. Seokjin smiled, letting go of Yoongi's jaw.

"I..." Yoongi sniffed while shaking hands wiped his tears away.

"I fell and t-twisted my foot."

No proofread.
A/N: Hellloooo! Long time! Sorry for the late update.

Tbh I haven't had time or don't have much motivation to UD this story. But then I read some of my Petal's comments and I give it my best to give you guys a chapter. 🥺

Thank y'all! I hope this was worth the wait? Prbly not...

Congrats to the class of 2020! Are any of my Petals graduates? IF SO THEN CONGRATULATIONS! 🎊🎉

Congrats to the class of 2020! Are any of my Petals graduates? IF SO THEN CONGRATULATIONS! 🎊🎉

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Thank you 4 reading! Luv you!💜

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