19.0: i brought you a present

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Please be okay. Please be okay. Oh god, please be okay. Yoongi thought as he rocked back and forth on the ground in front of the door.

It's been almost 20mins since Seokjin slammed the door on him, and he doesn't even know if Jeongguk is okay.

What was happening downstairs? Did Seokjin...kill him?

"NO! No!" Yoongi shouts, angry at himself for even thinking that outcome. But still... it was a possibility.

All the man could make out were grunts and some thrashing around, and maybe a broken glass? Yoongi couldn't make out anything else when he pressed himself against the door to listen.

Did the maknae get hurt? Was Jin okay? Yoongi suddenly stopped and groaned in frustration as he pulled his dyed hair.

Why in the hell is he worrying about that psychopath when he should be worrying about Jeon Jeongguk?!? What the fuck is wrong with him? Is he going crazy too?

"Shit." Yoongi breathes out, going back to biting his already worn out nails, and rocking back and forth. With so much anticipation and his anxiety skyrocketing, Yoongi's bruised deformed foot was long forgotten. His body was in pain, but it's owner was too occupied with his own mind to even feel the pain.

Yoongi was too caught up with his terrifying thoughts that he barely even heard the footsteps that were approaching the door with the sound of something dragging behind...

The door suddenly opened with so much force that something wet hit Yoongi's face. The male on the ground flinched when the warm, wet liquid landed on his face unexpectedly.

Yoongi's trembling boney fingers rubbed off the water that was getting into his right eye, only to realize...it wasn't water.

Yoongi stared down in shock at his pale fingers pads that were coated with warm red blood.

B-Blood? Blood. Oh my god this is BLOOD?! Yoongi's heart raced, but his eyes stayed glued to his fingers, trying to convince himself that what he was seeing was some sort of dirty trick his eyes were playing at.

But the thing is that, the thick blood never vanished from his sight, which made Yoongi quicken his breathing.

"Yoongi, I brought a present for you." Seokjin's stared down at his victim with a creepy smile on his plump lips. Goosebumps took over his pale skin and Yoongi shivered in fear.

At this point, Yoongi didn't even want to look up at him. So he stayed put. Not daring to look up at Jin who smiled like a kid waiting to show him something that he was so proud of.

Seconds ticked by and the stalker was now getting impatient. Seokjin's jaw tightened and his eyes grew darker.

Why wasn't Yoongi looking at him? Was his baby ignoring him? Did he not want his present?

Jin jerked his head to the side, and he stepped forward only to throw the body that he was dragging right in front of  Yoongi.

Jeongguk's body landed in front of the shivering male with a thud. Yoongi jolted the moment the maknae's body made contact with the floor.

Yoongi's eyes nearly jumped out of his head as he stared wide eyes at what laid in front of him.

On the floor was Jeongguk with a busted lip, bruised cheeks covered with blood that was coming from a gash on his forehead.

Blood covered his hoodie and Yoongi even utter a word. The man just stared at Jeongguk, unable to react.

Jin on the other hand just let out a
dismissing sigh. He wanted Yoongi' to react more. It was boring if his doll didn't even react like he was expecting him too. That was no fun.

So he stalker crouched down behind Yoongi and yanked his hair down so that Yoongi's face was level with Jeongguk's.

"Look at him Yoongi. Doesn't Gguk look cute?" Seokjin asked the younger with a smile.

"Y-you...killed him..." Yoongi voiced softly. Jin frowned and rose a brow.

"Huh?" "YOU FUCKEN KILLED HIM!" Yoongi gritted through his teeth and slapped Seokjin hand off of him.

The smaller male managed to land one hard punch on his stalkers cheek before he was slammed down by a not so happy Seokjin.

The older held Yoongi down by the neck and hissed when Yoongi thrashed around.

"ILL FUCKEN KILL YOU! ILL KILL YOU!" Yoongi yelled at his Hyung. Jin locked the smaller in a painful grip that made him grunt.

Seokjin's wide murderous eyes stared down at Yoongi, who was trying so hard to loosen the grip on his neck.

"What are you talking about doll?" Yoongi watched as Jin tilted his head to the side with a confused face.

"I didn't kill him."

No proofread.
A/N: Hello, This bitch is back? Kind of...

Yeah I know I said that we'd get some action in this chapter but well... I guess my mind had other plans.

It's been so long since I've updated this story and I hope this chapter was thrilling?? Idk 🤷🏽‍♀️

But anyway, I honestly don't know where I'm going with this story or what to do with it because...yeah

Hope you stay safe my Petals!

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