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[YOONGI POV]How can I get out?

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How can I get out?

How can I get the fuck out of this place?

That's the question I've been asking myself the moment I stepped into the hot tub fully naked. I was lucky enough to even wash myself alone this time.

I begged and begged Seokjin to let me wash up alone. The fucker insisted that he would do it for me but I didn't give up. I even got grabbed his hand and kissed him on the cheek to get what I wanted. I kissed him.

My stomach turns of the thought. I become nauseous.

I can't do anything now. Not alone. He always has to be there. Staring at me. Watching me.

I can't even do the simplest things. I can't even go to the restroom in peace. He just has to be there. I'm trapped. So trapped. I can't find the courage to even speak back to him.

He's controlling me. I'm his puppet.

I feel like I've stepped into a pit of poisonous snakes. Their prey. Their scaly bodies wrap around me deadly tight, and their sharp fangs pierce my skin.

There's no escape. Not from the snakes. Not from Seokjin. There's really no escape.

I feel a tear slip down my cheek as I sit in the tub with my knees folded up to my face. I stare into the clear water before me without a thought. I let out a choppy breath and close my eyes, burying myself into my pale knees.

I want to go home-
I open my eyes in a snap of fingers.

Home? Where to? Back to that drunk fucker at home in Daegu?

I scoff at my own stupidness.

I think the fuck not. Anywhere but there. Not to that old bastard again. He can go fuck himself.

I don't know what Eomma saw in him honestly. He's an asshole. How dare him lay a finger on her.

The bastard knew Eomma was sick. He fucken knew Eomma had cancer and he still... he still.

I ball up my rage-trembling hands into fists. My face turns red in anger just by thinking of him.

The fucker knew, and he still took advantage of her. That ignorant, selfish bastard.

Fuck. I shouldn't even waste my time thinking of the shit of a man. Why bother? I let out a another depressed long sigh.

I have no where to run. Eomma's gone. The shitty bastard is not even an option.

I doubt any of the guys would understand, and I'm sure Seokjin would look there first.

But, the guys are out of the question too. I don't want them to get involved in whatever this is. It's dangerous.

I don't want them to get hurt because of me. I would never forgive myself if Jeongguk, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin, or Namjoon get hurt or even...killed because of me.

No. No, no please no. I don't want that. Seokjin can fuck around with me and do whatever the fuck he wants with me, but not the guys. I won't allow it. No.

Not the guys.

"Please pick up. Pick up you idiot!" Hoseok stood in the middle of his room with nails to his teeth.

He bounced his feet impatiently, nerves eating at him. Hoseok's been thinking. Thinking of what the makane told him just a few hours ago.
Jeongguk looked at Hoseok with uneasy doe eyes. "H-Hyung, Yoongi Hyung is in trouble. Jin Hyung-" Hoseok scoffs.

"Jeongguk stop this. Jin Hyung would never hurt Yoongi. I promise you that." Hoseok declares confidently.

"Uurggghhh! You're so fucken wrong!" Gguk stands up and goes to get his black backpack.

"Fine! If you're not going to help me, then I'll fucken leave and save Yoongi myself!!"

"Gguk-" The elder stood up from his bed, only to hear the hard slam of the white door as Jeongguk storms off.

Hoseok was now getting suspicious, but most of all nervous. He just hopes, he HOPES to the gods that any of this is not true. Seokjin couldn't be possibly faking his personality all this time. He couldn't. His caring sweeet Hyung just couldn't.

"What?"  The voice of the makane ringed into the males ear. " J-Jeongguk! Y-You-where the fuck are you?" The red head asked the younger while be bit his fingernails.

"Why? What do you even want? I'm-I'm kinda busy."  "Look Gguk. I've been thinking and thinking about what you said and I'm... I'm starting to think that you're right about a-all this." Hoseok waited nervously for the male to respond.

"Jeongguk?" "Shhhh. Be quiet Hyung." Jeongguk hushed the male with a whisper. Hoseok zipped his lips and stood still in his spot with an uneasy feeling creeping up his stomach. There was a loud thud and then silence.

"Okay. W-what was it that you said Hyung?" The male whispered into the phone. The red swallowed hard, and his hand started to tremble in place.

"J-Jeongguk. P-Please tell me you're not at h-his place right now."

No response.

"G-Guk are you fucken dumb! W-What are you thinking?!?" Hoseok shouts at the device in his hold.

"P-Please don't do anything stupid. Please Jeongguk. Pleas-"

"It's too late for that Hobi Hyung."

No proofread.
A/N: Hello! Hi! Hola! Hiya!

AAHHHHH shit. We getting into some shit for the next upcoming chapters...OOoooooOOOOOooo

Let's just hope Jeongguk comes out alive- OOP?👀

Anyway! I know a bitch is late, like, LATE AF but Happy New Years! And Happy birthday to or lil tiger TaeTae! 💜

HAHAHHA...I hoped like I HOPED to be able to write more in my break but I didn't have time for shit. I even told myself that I would update the 1st of 2020 but SHIT. I HAVEN'T DONE SHIT. Sowwy💔😔

.... way to start the year...FUCK.
But at least, I dyed my hair. It's a mix of purple and blue. 💜💙

As always, thank you for reading my Petals and have a wonderful day! Love you!

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