4.0: beautiful

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edited and revised

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edited and revised.


Yoongi groans loudly when he hears his alarm-clock on his phone ringing obnoxiously. He opened one eye lazily, and turned it off with one swipe. He sighed and closed his eyes shut once more.

He laid down for about three minutes, and was almost drifting off into dreamland when suddenly his phone ringed again indicating that someone was calling. "Uurrgghh!" The pale man groans rather angry as he reached for his phone.

"What the fuck do you want you bitch?!" He answers annoyed, without even checking the callers ID. There was a short pause before a male spoke through the line.

"Umm, Yoongi? Did I call at a wrong time?" Yoongi recognized the voice of his Hyung, and he shot up from the bed.

"J-Jin Hyung! I'm sorry- I-I thought you were Hoseok." Yoongi stuttered, now fully aware of what he just said. Jin on the other line chuckles.

"It's okay Yoon. I just wanted to know if you'd like to come get coffee with me." The elder proposed while laughing a bit.

"Y-Yeah, that sounds good. Umm, give me a few minutes to get ready. I'll meet you there?" "Oh well actually, I'm just outside of your apartment." Yoongi frowned.

What the fuc- DiNg dOnG.

Yoongi turned to the sound of the doorbell. The pale boy ended the call, and dashed off to open the door, almost stumbling to the ground when he got off his bed.

Yoongi opened the door and saw his Hyung standing there with some glasses, a white T-shirt, light blue ripped jeans, and some tennis shoes.

"Morning Yoongi. You look like you got in a fight with a cat." Jin laughs lightly when he saw the pale male. Yoongi's bleached hair stuck out randomly, and he wore an extremely large PJs that it exposed his collarbone and his shoulder.

"Morning Hyung. Sorry, I just barely woke up." Yoongi admits as he rubbed his eyes.

"I can tell." The older says as he reached out to rake through the younger's hair. Yoongi hums at the feeling.

"Umm, come inside. I still need to wash up and get changed." Yoongi says stepping aside. Seokjin walks inside and scanned the small apartment.

"Let me take a quick shower before we leave." "Okay. I'll wait here." The taller says as he laid down his backpack. Yoongi nods before dashing into his room, and then to the washroom with a towel in hand.

Yoongi was in such a hurry that he didn't even bother to lock the door.


I hear the sound of the shower run as my cue to start walking around. I scan carefully my babyboy's apartment in awe.

He seems to have a pretty nice and tighty place. Everything was so clean and decorated with soft cool colors. It's cute.

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