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A/N: so here's chapter 1 I hope you enjoy this garbage heap

It was midnight in Etheria and Adora tossed and turned underneath the silk sheets that practically consumed her body, as she was unable to drift of into a peaceful slumber.

Finally deciding that I'd be useless to attempt to fall asleep, she removed the bed covers and laid upward, stretching her toned arms as she did so. She let her legs dangle over the edge of the bed before settling them on the ground and standing up.

She ran her hand through her hair that fell just below her shoulders and stumbled over to her desk and reached out for a hair tie before putting her hair up in her usual ponytail.

Some light was needed in her room, thus she turned on a small desk lamp and squinted as her eyes adjust to the brightness before pulling out a chair and grabbing a fresh sheet of paper and a pencil.

Adora never really mentioned it to anyone, but she occasionally liked to draw. She discovered this interest when depicting her plans for the princess prom- finding herself putting more detail into her sketches then actually getting ready. She never had time to draw in the fright zone, nor was she allowed the freedom to, but here she found it to be a good way to relieve stress.

Usually, her mind would be bursting with ideas and creativity and each stroke of her pencil would have meaning behind it but today, she slowly dragged her pen across the parchment not really caring due to the lack of inspiration. Adora didn't even bother to sketch it out first and made everything up with each line of lead- she opted on drawing a female with bushy hair, ripped leggings, sun-kiss skin, freckles, cat ears and a tai-

Adora scoffed at her work before scrunching it up and throwing it behind her ' what is wrong with me? ' the girl sighed as her face fell into her palms.

Getting up from her chair, the blond began to head for the large door before sighing once more. She progressed out of the room, making as little noise ad possible and made her way to the kitchen and stood before the fridge.

"Can't sleep?" Came a voice which startled Adora, causing her to jump and snap her heard round only to find Mermista sat at a table, with a drink of some sort in her hand. All the princesses were staying over at Bright moon, helping to rebuild the castle.

Adora's gaze softened as she smiled "yeah" she said with a slight nod "why are you up?" She questioned the princess with a curious gaze.

"Ugggh" groaned the girl "Seahawk snores so loud and it's keeping me up...not like I was tired anyway but whatever" she rolled her eyes as she stood up

"Take my room if you want" Adora offered "I won't be going back in there anytime soon"

"You're a literal life saver" she grinned before standing up and walking away to Adora's room

When Mermista had left Adora took the seat which was previously occupied by her and rested her chin in her hand. The longer she sat there, the heavier her eyelids felt until they wouldn't open anymore. Had her body finally given into sleep?


Adora opened her eyes and found herself in the exact position as when she fell asleep. She glanced out of the large window and noticed it was still late at night.

When she looked back she saw a figure looming over her with an intense glare

"Hey Adora~"

"Catra!" Gasped the girl as she reached for her sword which wasn't there

"Woah calm down" mused the horde soldier as a smirk played on her lips "I'm not here to hurt you" she claimed "in fact... I'm here to forgive you..."

I can only sleep when you are beside meWhere stories live. Discover now