Ice cream

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I ran out of fancy fonts to use smh 😔

Adora's light snores were interrupted by the loud sound of her door bursting open, almost flying Of it's hinges "huh wa-what's going on!?" Adora shot up still feeling half asleep as she wasn't expecting someone to be barging into her room so early in the morning

"Wake up Adora!" Came the voice of Bow which echoed through her ears. It wasn't long before he had progressed his way to the foot of the her bed and began to violently shake her until she was full awake

"Bow? What's wrong? Why are waking me up so early" she questioned, running her fingers through her messy hair

"We're going back to Mystacor!" He beamed with stars in his eyes and it was that moment in time when Glimmer entered the large room wearing a casual expression "aren't you excited, Glimmer?"

Glimmer sighed before saying "usually I would be. But ALL the princesses are going and my Aunt is gonna make a huge deal out of everything, and I'll have to go on the tour again and ughhhhh" She whined, flopping beside Adora on the bed

"I'm sure it won't be that bad" Bow giggled as he began to leave "be ready in 30 minutes Okay?"

"How come we're gonna to Mystacor?" Enquired Adora, glancing down at her friend

"Castaspella has arranged a party or whatever for all the princesses in order to celebrate the return of balance into Etheria"

"We'll c'mon then" Adora smiled as she stood up "we best get ready. I haven't been to Mystacor in ages eek I'm excited" she grinned with a little twirl

Playfully rolling her eyes, Glimmer got up from the bed "Alright then"


After getting ready, the team made their way to the magical place known as Mystacor and for some, it would be their first time going

Eventually, they all made it to the cliff edge which was over looking what seemed to me an endless drop

"If you think for a second that I am going to jump" began Mermista "then you're wrong"

"Suit yourself" laughed Bow before looking back at Adora and Glimmer "are you guys ready?" He asked, preparing himself to jump

"Hell yes" the girls agreed getting a running start and pushing themselves of the edge into the cherry pink clouds

Adora mentally patted her self on the back when she stuck the landing, unlike last time when she failed miserably

The other princesses watched while their friends disappeared into the pink mist which covered the land. Perfuma grinned with excitement before using her vines to guide herself down, Entrapta following shortly after

"Wait for me!" Called Frosta as she slid down the ice that formed under her feet

Seahawk danced up and down before running of the edge and screaming "ADVENTURE"

Mermista groaned as she rolled her eyes "why do I even bother?" She sighed while she dragged her feet to the cliffs edge as unenthusiastically as possible before jumping into the unknown

"Is everyone here?" Bow asked as Mermista joined the group "Alright you guys" he grinned when the piece of land began to move forward "to Mystacor!"


When they made it, all of their jaws dropped in shock "so this is Mystacor?" Asked Perfuma in awe

"I've heard stories about how grand this place was but I never expected this" Mermista said as her lips curved into an ever so slight smile

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