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I honestly hate this chapter

Glimmer ran through the long corridors of the bright Moon castle, Perfumas's unconscious body resting on her shoulder.

Eventually, the princesses made it to A small room where Glimmer gently placed her friend on the nearby bed before sighing. "I should go and help the others" she decided as she left the room to the battlefield "I hope that they are all alright"

When the castle's doors were opened, Glimmer was attacked by a violent rush of wind and then...silence. It was so quiet that you'd be able to hear a pin drop even from several feet away. It was as if the world was a speaker that had been muted and it sent chills down her spine as the hairs on her neck stood on end. This silence was not golden, it felt unnerving- it felt...wrong

She scrambled about in the unavoidable nothingness as the deafening silence rung through her ears. The fog was so thick that she couldn't see past her knees and nor was she able to see her team mates. Everything was going so fast but so slow at the same time.

After a while, Glimmer found the steps and slowly descended them, still keeping her stance as she did so and with a lot of effort, She made it to the ground where the silence only became louder.

The mist had somewhat cleared and Glimmer could see her feet in the cold water which suddenly had a red tinge to it. That red turned into a deep crimson and the smell of blood churned the princess's stomach as she covered her mouth and prevented a gag from escaping her lips .

Goosebumps raised all over Glimmer as there was still sound yet to shatter the silence- the silence that was going to drive her crazy.

Luckily, the fog was clearing up a lot but that's when she saw all her friends, trapped in a spell of some sort.

Her eyes widened before she head the scream of Bow in the distance. Her breath became ragged and hitched in her throat as her heart sped up drastically. She couldn't speak nor could she move with the amount of fear surging through her veins. But why? What was going on? She was frozen and didn't have the power to move a single inch of her body.

Instead she suffered in silence as she caught sight of three figures, one of them being Adora, the other was the cat lady who always appeared in battle and the last one was a man that Glimmer didn't recognise but could tell that he was nothing but pure evil

The powerless princess observed as Catra brought the sword down and that was when the silence was pierced "Stop!" She called out


With one swift motion Catra brought the sword and as she did, she could hear the faint sound of someone pleading for her to stop...

... and thus she did. The blade was only able to scratch the surface of Adora's skin, drawings the slightest bit of blood but it was nothing too severe.

"What do you think you are doing?!" Hordak asked with rage. But the feline stayed silent as her eyes lingered on the unconscious body in front of her "I said, what do you think you are doing?"

Catra faced the intimidating man with a cold glare "I'm doing..." she began "what's right" and just like that, Catra swung the sword in his direction, so fast that he had no time to react.

Catra retracted the now blood coated sword earning a pain filled growl from Hordak. But it would take a lot more then that to take him down. With a snap of his fingers, Hordak sent a shot of dark magic towards Catra which consequently struck her giving the man a chance to grab a hold of her Her head turned to Glimmer as she struggled against his grasp "hey princess! A little help?" She asked after wiggling her way out

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