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Adora wasted no time in attacking again and launched her fist toward the other girl however, this time Catra was able to grab hold of the blonde's wrist. Struggling out of her grasp, Adora took a couple of paces back before dashing back at her. But unfortunately, she left herself wide open giving Catra the perfect opportunity to kick her down with little to no effort.

But Adora wasn't going to give up that easily. Swiping her left leg across the floor, she was able to trip the shorter girl up making her tumble to the ground. Adora took this chance to pin Catra down and place her legs either side of the girl beneath her "what do you think you're doing?" She asked. Catra didn't answer, instead she opted to switch their positions so now she was the one in control.

But this triumph didn't last long. Using the strength that remained in her legs, Adora kicked the feline off of her and got to her feet before walking over to the girl on the ground "just what are you playing at?" She once again asked and this time her question was answered with a smirk which caused the blonde to furrow her brows.

Adora wasn't able to see what exactly Catra was grinning at as before she turned around, she felt a pain in her neck and her vision faded in and out while everything became blurry until she could no longer see.


She was unsure why, but Glimmer randomly woke up that night, not feeling the slightest bit tired. She arose from her ever so soft bed and teleported her way down to the floor before deciding to go for a little midnight snack or something.

The princess progressed out of her bedroom and began to make her way out into the halls. Eventually she found her way to the kitchen and was about to grab something to eat when suddenly...

"Hey Glimmer" came a voice from behind her causing her to let out a yelp before her moth was covered "shhh you'll wake everyone up" it was Bow

"Bow?" Spoke Glimmer "what are you doing up this late?" She enquired as she glanced down at the items of food he had in his hands

"I could ask you the same thing" he smiled "I got hungry so I got something to eat" he explained as he extended his hand to offer a snack "want some? It's chocolate"

Glimmer didn't hesitate to take the contents from his hands "Thanks" she simply said "let's head back"she suggested as she began to lead the way

Once again, they passed through the halls, only stopping when the saw an open door.

It was the door to Adora's room

Bow and glimmer gave one another uneasy glances "that wasn't open when I came down here" stated Glimmer as she got closer to the door. She knocked before pushing the door open further and stepping inside with Bow

The room was empty.

Panicking, Bow looked to Glimmer with worry all over his face "m-maybe she just went to take a shower or something" he tried to reassure

"But we would've seen her pass by the kitchen" she exclaimed "we have to go find her!"

And with that, the two left to search for their best friend and hoped that she hadn't wondered too far.


Slowly, Adora's eyes opened but everything was really blurry and distorted. When her eyes finally adjusted, the blond let out a small shriek when she saw someone's face only millimetres apart from hers

"Hey catra!" They spoke as they backed away from Adora, giving her a view of her surroundings. She was still in the whispering woods for staters however she was in a different area than before. To her left, there were two tents and to her right was a small campfire. Adora tried to move but she was bound to a tree with rope that irritated her skin

It was at that moment when Catra emerged from one of the tents "what do you want, Scorpia?" She asked

"The cute girl we captured has woken up" she exclaimed, stepping aside to show that she had in fact awoken

Adora struggled once again "how did I get here?" She questioned

"You were being annoying so Scorpia knocked you out and carried you here" stated Catra, not looking at all bothered by the situation

"My friends will be here soon! And they'll take you in!" Adora spat with anger as her mouth curved into a frown

Catra's eyebrows knitted in rage "do you ever shut up about your stupid little friends?! I don't care if they come to save you because I won't have to look at your pathetic self!"

"I have a feeling that I should leave and wait for things to cool down" said Scorpia before walking off away from the camp

"If you don't care about me being saved then why don't you release me right now?" Shouted Adora "or are you just that worried to let your pride slip for a se-"

"Shut up!" Catra cut her off in a way that Adora has never seen before. Her voice was filled with so many emotions: sadness, hate, rage..."this is all your fault! I have no where to go anymore... you don't understand what it's like to be abandoned. First you, then Entrapta and Lonnie and Kyle too." Her breathing was ragged and her eyes began to water

"Then why don't you just come to the rebellion? You'll be able to see everyone again" Adora tried to reason

"What, so I can be your prisoner ? No way in hell!" She retorted

"Well it's better than being here for the rest of your life!" The blonde argued "I tried to get through to you, Catra. I tied so hard but now I'm not sure what to do" her eyes left Catra's as she continued "I want you to come with me... I miss you so much but every attempt I make to get closer to you, you just push yourself further away until I can no longer reach you"

Familiar voices could be heard in the distance at that moment, getting closer and closer to the two girls and Adora instantly recognised it as Bow and Glimmer

Catra scoffed as she came close to Adora before rising her arm up and extending her claws. Not a second passed before she brought her hand down causing Adora to tightly close her eyes, anticipating the pain to come...

But that pain never came

Instead Adora felt the ropes that were binding her to the tree loosen until the fell to the ground with a slight thud. Adora opened her eyes to see catra with her back towards Adora and her fists clenched by her sides

"Just get out of here" She grumbled as she made her way to the camp fire and sat in front of it with her tail curling up beside her

As Adora got up, she dusted herself off and looked at the girl in front of her. She took a step forward towards Catra and reached her hand out so it hovered above the feline's shoulder.

Bow and Glimmer's voices got closer causing Adora to reluctantly retract her hand and walk away until the camp was no where in sight. It wasn't long before she ran into her two best friends who had worried looks on their face

"There you are!" Bow breathed in relief "we got so worried...what are you doing out here?" He asked when he noticed Adora's saddened face

"Just going for a walk was all" She weakly said, after forcing a small smile on her face "sorry to make you worry"

"It's alright" said Glimmer "let's go back before my mom notices we're gone"

"Good idea" exclaimed Adora and with one last glance behind her, she headed back to bright Moon knowing full well that it won't be easy trying to get back to sleep after her encounter with Catra.

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