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This chapter is slightly shorter than the others but I ran out of ideas


Adora awoke to the sounds of frantic voices, loud shouting and the occasional gun shot and It was at that moment in time when Glimmer burst into her room with fear written all over her face.

The blonde shot up from her bed as equally as scared as Glimmer was"Glimmer?! What's going on out there?! " She questioned in a panic

"Horde soldiers! Hundreds of them are here... you need to get up now!" The princess ushered as beads of sweat fell from her forehead "the others are fighting but they won't last long without She-ra! " Glimmer exclaimed as loud crashes could be heard from outside of the room

Equipping her sword, Adora rushed out of the room alongside Glimmer where they were met with multiple horde robots "some of them have gotten in! " glimmer yelped "you head outside and help the others! I'll defend the castle" she declared

"Are you sure?" Adora enquired as she evaded one of the bots attacks "don't you want me to stay and help you?"

"I'll be fine, now go!" She ordered

"Alright, good luck " and with that Adora zoomed off to the battle field, cursing under her breath "we should've known the Horde wouldn't have waited for us to rebuild our defences before attacking again "

And as she ran, the blue eyed girl couldn't help but wonder if she would be there, no, she knew she would be there and she knew she would have would have to face her in battle - there was no way around it

The real question was; what would she do? How was it going to pan out. Will this be the last battle they'll ever fight?

Adora shook all of these thoughts from her head as the outside air swept through her hair. Raising her sword she yelled in a clear voice "for the honour of Grayskull!" She was then consumed by a bright, golden light and Adora grew a couple of feet, her body feeling a bit heavier with the golden armour she was coated in, silky locks of shimmering blonde hair flowed behind her as her muscles tensed then relaxed

Once the blinding light was gone, She-ra wasted no time and darted straight into the battle field, knocking out several Horde soldiers without even breaking a sweat

She scanned the area around her and her sight landed on Bow who was occupied with two soldiers thus unable to notice the third one creeping up on him "behind you!" She yelled as she rushed over to the boy and taking out the member of the horde with one fell swoop at the exact same time Bow took out the other two with a single arrow

"Thanks" he breathed as he placed another arrow in his quiver, not hesitating once before he fired it

She-ra smiled "anytime" she swiftly made her way to to Frosta who was gradually being surrounded by the horde. She-ra held her sword high before bringing it down with force and taking down several enemies "everything okay over here?" She asked the young girl

"Umm I had that!" She claimed with a cold look to witch She-ra just rolled her eyes before sprinting off to aid someone else in need

She-ra took out soldier after soldier, not once losing focus for a second until Glimmer came rushing to her side " I thought you were defending the castle?"

Glimmer used her magic to knock out a horde tank to her left "the defences are up so I have some time to help you " she claimed as she assisted She-ra

All of a sudden, a scream could be heard in the distance and the two directed their attention to where Perfuma was fighting. Her hands were bound together as she was swarmed completely by the enemy causing panic surged through Glimmer and she-ra

Fire filled the rebellion member's eyes as she shot a bright beam of light through her sword which sprung all the evil soldiers away from Perfuma's body which collapsed onto the ground "take her to safety" she commanded to which Glimmer obeyed with haste.

She-ra transformed her sword into a shield as she dogged the many attacks being fired her way but not after one shot skimmed her left cheek, scratching the surface of her skin causing it to sting and bleed.

Meanwhile, the other princesses weren't holding up too well. More and more soldiers seemed to appear as every second passed and The princesses lost tiny amounts of hope as each moment went by.

That was, until, Angella swooped in like an angel with a fierce, determined look on her face. The princesses cheered as they fought with double the amount of passion than before.

It seemed the horde were no match for the rebellion once again, they will be victorious and they wouldn't stop until every last horde soldier was gone from Etheria

But it seemed that the possibility of that actually happening were lowered severely as the atmosphere grew cold and eerie. The leaves of The trees in the whispering woods shook violently and rustled loudly. The clear blue water began to fog up and become murky like the clouds in the red sky as mist arose from the ground making the Bright moon castle invisible

Apprehensively, She-ra looked around but no one was in sight until two silhouettes emerged from the cloud of whiteness.

The first figure was tall, possibly taller that she-ra herself and their features were sharp. Their pointed ears stuck out at an angle. Upon their broad shoulders there was a crimson, red cape which dragged against the water while it's robot like limbs clashed again the wind

The next figure was much shorter and had a more feminine body. Her untamed hair was ruffled by the vicious air and her claws stuck out from her finger tips. Yellow and blue orbs glowed through the mist which slowly began to clear only to reveal Hordak and by his side; Catra

She-ra Did not hesitate to fire an attack their way however, the shot was stopped and changed direction back towards the princess. The shot unfortunately struck the warrior causing her to drop her sword and begin to fall backwards but before she fell to the ground, she was kept floating by some sort of spell from Hordak.

"Now we have you traitor" he evilly smirked "and I wouldn't try anything if I were you" the fog had somewhat cleared and She-ra was able to see her friends once more and each of them had been restrained in a way that made it impossible for them to move "or else your pathetic little friends will suffer "

Hordak circled She-ra menacingly "we've come to make a compromise" he began "if you sacrifice yourself we'll never attack again and your friends will be saved. But if you don't... well I'm sure you can figure out what the consequences will be" he chuckled but the blond stayed quite

"Don't do it Adora!" Yelled Bow to which Hordak snapped his fingers, causing Bow to holler in pain

"Tsk. Stupid boy" he remarked before looking back at the suspended girl "so what will it be princess?" He asked

She said nothing and transformed back. Her dirty blonde hair fell from its ponytail and the blood on her cheek began to wash away with each tear that fell from her eyes and dripped onto her messy clothes. Her answer had been made clear

"Adora no!" Bow yelled once again before screaming in pain that was so immense he passed out. the other princesses were so petrified they stayed silent.

Hordak forged a sword with a red blade and black handle out of thin air before passing it to Catra "now is your chance to redeem yourself"

The feline snatched the sword and grasped it tightly but before she held it up, Adora finally spoke "did you ever think it would end like this?" She asked with a groggy voice "I always held on to the slighted hope that maybe- maybe you'd join me in the rebellion but I guess... this is where it ends" she chuckled weakly "and to think that I wa-"

"Enough!" Hordak snapped his fingers once more causing Adora to drop to the ground "Catra! Kill her already before I change my mind about giving you a second chance"

Catra nodded before approaching her former best friend. however, just before she brought the sword down Adora placed a cold hand on the girls cheek "I still believe in you, Catra" she was weak and it wasn't long before her hand fell from Catra's face and her eyes closed.

And with one swift motion, Catra brought the sword down.


Idk why yall are still reading this but whatever

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