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Here's chapter 2 and I can assure you that it is as bad as chapter 1


"Catra!" Adora grumbled as she turned to face her former best friend "what are you doing here?" She clenched her fists by her sides, making her knuckles turn white

"This party looked so fun, I didn't wanna miss out" she replied sarcastically as she placed her hands on her hips and rested her weight on one leg

Adora looked at her many friends before directing her attention back at Catra "everyone get behind me now...I'll deal with her"

Catra's glare suddenly filled with disgust "playing the hero again are we?" She scoffed "have you tricked all of your new friends into trusting you as well?"

Adora didn't respond, she wasn't going to let the horde soldier get into her head like last time, she had learned from her mistakes.

As Catra looked between each princess, she knew that There's no way in hell she'd be able to take out each one by herself alone and with Entrapta on their side, her chances were even slimmer

Adora seemed to notice the uncertainty in Catra's eyes "I'm going to give you this opportunity to leave" she spat as she reached behind herself for her sword "if you come back...we'll take you in and the queen will be the one to deal with you"

The feline stayed silent for another moment before Growling slightly and stepping back, "whatever...it's not like I'm I the mood to fight anyway" with one last glance at Adora, Catra walked away until she wasn't visible anymore but not before she kicked over a few tables and chairs

"Uhhh what the heck, Adora?" Asked glimmer with a look of shock on her face "we had the perfect opportunity to capture her and you just let her go?"

"W-well I" Adora tried to justify her actions but when she thought about it, there wasn't a good reason why she let her escape

"Actually" Entrapta interjected "letting her go would be the best thing to do" she began to explain "The angsty lady is an important aspect to lord Hordak's plans, considering she's the new Shadow Weaver and all"

"Wait what?" Everyone spluttered in shock

"Long story" the purple haired girl stated "so if we were to capture her, that big scary man will send another attack which will end in bloodshed, violence and death like most attacks do"

"We must get back to Bright Moon" declared Spinnerella "the horde might come looking for Entrapta and the castle still isn't repaired, not to mention that the whispering woods is still frozen over "

Glimmer then spoke up "I don't understand...why would they come back for Entrapta? Wasn't she just a prisoner "

"Well I was a prisoner" Entrapta began "but then I kinda helped them to take the power from other rune stones and bring chaos to Etheria which ended in a war thus making me useful. Also- "

"Okay we can discuss that later" Mermista interrupted "let's just make it back and inform Angella "


Catra made it back to the fight zone after her encounter with the princesses. She managed to sneak in without anyone knowing about her return. The mission was a huge failure, and she couldn't risk being seen by anyone, not for now at least

Aggressively running her slender fingers through her bushy hair, she paced around the small room before coming to a stop "god damnit! " She punched the wall, leaving an indent behind.

Retracting her fist and staring at her now injured knuckles, Catra clenched her eyes shut before heading for the door only for it to open for her and reveal a horde soldier

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