Chapter 1

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Well this sucks.

Here we go again, another school on the list of being expelled. It's not my fault the bitch was talking smack I had the right to kick her ass right?

Well I had broke her arm so I did feel bad.

When I get mad there's no going back, I did want apologize but at the same time I didn't making fun of me because I'm hispanic? I stared at the principle, her pointy features. Her pointy butt chin, with her stained red lips. Her brown black her tied into a bun, no stray hairs what so ever. I look away to wall, pictures plastered all over the wall, making it impossible to focus on one. The dusty office smelled of old books, and coffee. I tapped my fingers along the armrest of the chair, pucking at my lilac nails.

A fresh new start, the third one of the last two years, five in total. School had started about two, three months ago. I had been in a lot of fights at this school. The guidance counselor thought it was from my "troubled family".

My mom and dad got a divorce when I was the age of 4. They always seemed to blamed each other for it, when both of them cheated on the other. Making me be put in the middle, My step-father who I didn't get along with, and a step-mom who is a two-faced.
My family put up with me for one and one reason only, I was crazy smart. I was gonna be a Marine Biologist. Even from all the different schools I had transfered from, my grades always stayed the same, which gave me the upperhand to a expensive scholarship. A expensive scholarship meant a good paying job thus, my family put up with me.
The only person who I felt genuinely cared for me was my grandma who only spoke spanish but did everything for me from going to open house, to being my manager for modeling. She understood why I was the way I was, I and was a depressed child is how she saw it, someone who lost their way. ____________
"Ring, ring"

New school new beginnings.

I took a shower, trying to not be late for my first day.
My hair still, wetI blowdried and which I decided to curl.
After my hair being finished I opened my closet, having no idea what to wear. I decided on a mintblue crop-top that the words, "Dream" imprinted on it. I pulled out white pre-ripped skinny jeans with my white vans. I applied some mascara and ChapStick, disgusted by the idea of craploads of makeup on my face. I walked down the stairs and grabbed my bookbag as I walked out the door.

I walked to school noticing the morning nature. The birds chirping, the aroma of newly grown grass.
What seemed like forever, I finally made it. I opened the front doors making my way to the front office. I got my schedule, getting out of their as fast as I could, the smell of school disgusted me.
I looked down at my schedule, looking at my first period, 'Sophomore AP Biology, Room 214, Mrs.Antonio'

"Gracias adios," (thank god) I whispered to myself science always put me in a good mood, but I was also a little nervous. A freshman with sophomore classes? Something is bound to happen.
I found Room 214, I opened the door, and the whole class stared as I walked in. The mouths of the boys dropped, as for the girls, dirty looks with the face of, "Who's she?"
I rolled my eyes, I wished people would get to know me before just looking at me, I all really wanted was a friend who didn't want me to make them look better.

"Okay, class we have a new student Lina Acosta," The teacher read from a paper, "she transferred here from Jaurez, Mexico. She is a freshman, well Mrs.Acosta, take a seat next to Mr.Espinosa, Matthew please raise your hand..,"

Matthew was was a cute dark-blonde hair, brown eyed boy. He had perfect lips he looked like a good boy. That was until I saw him smirk at the guy next him. Aka the signal for 'Stay Away'.

I took my seat, immediately hearing Matthew's deep voice., "I'm Matthew you can call me Matt. As a new student it's my obligation to show you around so, how about you meet me at lunch?"

"I''ll find my way around." I falsely smiled. The puzzled look on his face was hilarious. He offered more than once during the whole period, my answer still a no.

The bell rang, I looked down to see my next class
'Sophomore AP algebra, room 109, Mr.Bustillos'

I found my way through the halls, This school was really big. The whole school looked like they has never seen a latina before.
I walked in, and sat down next to a girl. Her Blueish-Green eyes and gold hair stood out against her white skin, she was really pretty, "Hi, I'm Amber " she smiled.
"I'm Lina, so your a sophomore?"
"No I got moved up, freshman algebra was too easy," she laughed.

"Oh me too!" We high five. "Do you mind if I sit with you at lunch don't really know anyone else," I said laughing.

"Yeah no problem, I mean the rest of my friends backstabbed me so just you an me then,"
"Then they werent friends in the first place," I try cheering her up. "Perfectly fine with that, and who's Matthew Espinosa?, He asked to show me around, when I turned him down he was puzzled?" I asked still confused.

"Well, he's the school player, every girl wants him. He's been with most of the girls in school, from freshman to senior. He sees someone new,he goes after them, charms them and leaves like if nothing." She rolled her eyes, "He played my ex-bestfriend, I know his game, but he has two partners in crime, Sam Wilkinson and Jack Gilinsky. All the fuckboys of the school." She finishes.

"Glad I turned him down," I sighed with relief.
The rest of the day was being introduced. Too many boys, not men asked for my number. I wasn't really into dating, I never had been in a committed relationship. I was scared that what happened to my parents, would happen to me.

As I was wandering the halls looking for my last class of the day, the school had so many halls, I was lost.

Someone came up from behind grabbing me by my waist into a supply closet pushing me up against the door.

"Hey still sure you don't need a guide?" I realized it was Matthew.

"If I did you're the last person I would ask," I replied pushing him off me.

"C'mon you know you need me," He cooed while gripping my waist again, kissing my cheek going down my neck.

Wait, hold up, what am I doing just standing here? I'm Mexican, being fiesty was in my blood.

I smirked, "Your right," I said running my hands through his hair. Still sucking on my neck, he calmed down as I soothed him. As he was no longer tense, I pushed him off of me, and slapped him right across the cheek.

"Ow!" He yelled in pain.

I quickly lunged for the door "You're not gonna get me that easy, I drive a hard bargain, " and walked out the closet feeling content with myself.

Because You Make Me Smile  - Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now