Chapter 7

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Matt's P.O.V

"Don't leave me! Please no I love you!" I begged hold her tightly, "I'm never gonna find anyone like you, you can't leave me. Your mine, you've been mine for a whole year already! You're not gonna leave!"

I felt the hot tears dripping down my face. She was tearing up too, her eyes swollen red,"I'm sorry."
She's leaving for good. The love of my life is moving to another state far away, from me. She's the one, but shes moving to New York. Why? Why her out of 7 billion other people? This cant be real. No, No.

"I'm so sorry. That's all I have to say, but I love you remember that okay?" She wiped the tears from my face.

"I won't need to remember if you stay. Please I love you."

"I love you," she grabbed my face wiping away my tears with her thumbs once again then she kissed me. Softly and gently her lips moved with mine. It seemed to last forever, I wish it could. She pulled away looking into my eyes. This was the last time I was going to see her gorgeous hazel eyes. Her flawless lips, last time I would kiss them. Her soft hands, this is the last time I'm going to hold them. Last night was the last time we would get to cuddle. But overall this is the last time I'm ever going to see her.

"Just promise me one thing?" She fiddled with my fingers.

"Yes baby whatever you need." I nodded my head frantically.

"Don't be the guy you were before you met me."

" I promise," I leaned in again one last time.

This last kiss still feels like the first time. We pulled away and she walked off. Her tears falling to the ground. She opened her car door looking at me and shouted.

"I love you Matthew Espinosa,"

"I love you way less Lina Acosta!" She laughed her adorable laugh and drove off. I fell to my knees. Crying in agonizing pain, my head in my knees, my heart sunk in my chest.

"I love you," I whispered to myself over and over again.


"Matt wake up!"

I opened my eyes drenched in tears. It was just a dream. I sighed with relief going all over my body.

"Baby are you okay? You kept telling me you loved me when you were crying, do you need water?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine j-just a d-dream.... a really really bad dream. "

"Okay, what was it about?" She layed her hand on my forehead.

"Nothing I don't want to talk about it."

She pulled me to her lips while grabbing my shirt. Pushing me to lay down. I wrapped my hands around her neck biting her bottom lip.

"You sure?"
"Baby," I moaned, she laughed.

"I think its time for breakfeast,"

Today was 2 months. I was planning to go somewhere special but she wanted Mcdonalds for breakfeast, only her.

"Go grab my hoodie okay, cold outside." I grabbed her waist kissing her forehead.

"Okay," she ran to my room, I could hear her going through my closet.

"Matt!" Was she mad? I hadn't done anything.., that I know of at that.

"Yes my beautiful, gorgeous gi-" I tried calming her down.

"Get your ass up here!"

Crap. I'm in trouble. I walked very slowly up the stairs. Looking at all the pictures I had seen hundreds of times. Though this time I was looking at detail. When I finally made up it up to my room. I quietly walked in seeing my girlfriend with her hands on her hips.

"Yes," I smiled sweetly.

"What did I tell you about food?"

"To not eat it anywhere else besides in the kitchen, and -"

Damn she caught me red handed holding the cereal bowl I had ate at midnight when she was sleeping.

"And why is that Matt? "

"Because I make a mess," I scratched the back if my head.

"Look at what you did to my favorite shirt!"

Her floral top had cereal all over it, she wore that top on our first date, "Baby I'm-"

"Don't baby me, you're buying me a new one!"

"Fine but can we eat, I'm starving. "

We left and came right back to the house from Mcdonalds. Giving me the silent treatment because She was still mad at me.

"Babe I'm sorry, I will buy you another one okay? "

"Mmmh," She was so stubborn. It was such a turn on, damn this girl drives me insane.

"I'll make it up to you,"

"How? That was my favorite top!"

I smirked running to her smashing my lips to hers. Grabbing her hips pulling her closer to me till I could no more. Biting her lip making her moan. "Are we even now?" I mumbled against her lips.

"No, no we are not. " she pushed me off of her, going back to eating her breakfast. Shes my little fiesty one. She really is.


hey guys! sorry for the wait I'm really busy these days. I hope you enjoyed but this isn't the last chapter there are may more to come!

Because You Make Me Smile  - Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now