Chapter 17

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Thunder roared as we kissed aggressively, making up for four days worth of anger and tears.

The kiss tasted like mint and rain as the aroma of wet dirt filled our senses.

No matter how many times I kiss him. It always feels th same, but a good same. A tingling sensation goes over my lips, butter flies circulate, my heart races. Its like your favorite roller coaster. No matter how many times you ride it, it never gets old. You want to ride it over and over and over and over again, because that's how amazing it feels.

He pulled away, laying his forhead against mine.

"I vow to love you no matter what challenges carry us apart. Because no matter what your the only one I will always chase after because it's you. Your the one who makes me happy. Your the one who makes me sad. You control me. Because when you fall, I fall. Even harder. Because I love you." he breathed. "There are so many pretty girls out there Lina, so many. But your the only one on my mind heart and soul. Because my heart belongs to you." He spoke.

"I- "

I had no words to say. I was shocked.

"Lina. I love you. I simply do. You complete me. You. You are me world. My life. My everrything. Without you I am nothing. " He continued.

"Matthew..." is all I could say.

"Seven months. Nine actually. And nine months is pretty short. But it's a long time to fall in love. But you know how long it took to fall in love with you? "

"H-how l-long?" I stuttered.

"A second. One second to fall head over heels in love. The first time my eyes laid on you my world turned upside down."

"You did?" I cried.

"Yes, Lina. The angels sung and everything around you disapeared." he chuckled.

"And what took you to fall in love?" He asked laying his forehead on mine again.

"A kiss."

He smiled.

"Then lets fall in love all over again." He said before crashing his lips to mine.

"But everything that falls breaks." I said pushing him off softly.

"Matt," I started, "To love means to give someone the power to destroy you, and trust that they will not." I explained, "And that's exactly what you did, you destroyed me. You broke my trust."

I don't know to trust him again. I don't know if I can. I can't. I can't trust him.

He bent down grabbing a rock.

"Watch." He said.

He then dropped the rock.

The rock bounced off the floor, rolling away.

"Did it break?"


"Then not everything that falls breaks." He stated.

"But I fell and there wasn't a floor to catch me."

"I promise that will neve-"

"Don't promise me something that you're going to break again." I cut him off.

He looked down.

"I'm sorry." is all he could say.

"I can't trust you. I can't. You broke your promises."

"Lina no! No!" He begged. His eyes started watering again.

"I can't trust you. "

"I will do anything to gain your trust back. Please don't completely leave me."

"You will?" I crossed my arms, not convinced.

"Yes anything."


"Then? " he echoed.

"We should take a break." I finished in a hurt whisper.

Now both of our eyes got watery.


"We um we should take a break. Be friends."

If I can even trust him with friendship.

"Friends? I can't do that. I want to be able to hug you and kiss you and cuddle. And-"
"Do everything couple does?"
"And you will, later on."
"Lina I ca-"
"I can't trust you! I can't! We aren't breaking up... were just having a break. That's it. I want a time where we can just be friends. Nothing more and nothing less." I cut him off.

"If that's what I need to do, then that's what we'll do." He whispered crying softly.

I came closer to him.

"It's not like were done for good. It's just sometime away from being a couple." I said brushing his hair.


"Matthew I-"

He propped my head up with his finger.

"But just know, you and I will always be unfinished buisness ." He said kissing me one last time before walking inside his house.

Because You Make Me Smile  - Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now