16: boy with luv.

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"From the moment I met you, ya, my life was all you, ya. You're the star that turns ordinaries into extraordinaries. One after another, everything is special, the things you're interested in, the way you walk or talk, and every little trivial habit of yours."

0:00 |───────── 3:49

|◁ II ▷|

When Rein called to confirm her plans for the night, she was surprised to hear a supportive Ms. Cho.

"You're... Really okay with this?" she asked, keeping the skepticism in her voice light. Her manager sighed from the other end.

"I think this would be a good experience for you. You can make connections through one-on-one interactions with the boys. It wouldn't hurt your career is what I'm saying," she stated. 

"Well, thanks. I'll text you when I get there." 

"Wait, wait, before you hang up," Ms. Cho added, a note of pause in her tone, "Your mother called. You apparently haven't talked to her in more than a month now." Rein's chest felt too full at that moment.

"I'll get in touch with her later," she said, swallowing the lump in her throat. She had thought about her mother almost every day since she had arrived but kept it all down in the wake of more work that flowed in. The last thing she wanted to deal with was the disappointment on the other end, the when are you going to come see me's. She couldn't be made to come home.

"Rein, she's worried about you."

For the love of God and everything good, stop.

"I know. I'll handle it." She waited for Ms. Cho to say something, anything, but upon hearing silence, she hung up. She flopped on the bed and let out a breath of relief. It was over. 

She halfheartedly promised herself that she would call her mom at some point the next day, but she knew that promise was empty even as she thought it.

I'm not thinking about this right now. Rein wasn't going to ruin her mood. Besides, the stars were aligning for her.

She was nervous to go to their house at first. It wasn't really  their house, she had to remind herself, just a giant dorm paid off by the company, but it still had the same effect. She wondered what it would look like, if it would have a personal touch to everything she saw. Or would it be a sterile environment that wouldn't be different from any other modern home?

Just, whatever you do, do NOT get drunk there. Especially not in front of them. She closed her eyes. She had no control at that point. All of her thoughts and feelings seemed to come up like word vomit when she was intoxicated. (and sometimes real vomit was involved, as well.)

It wouldn't be a problem.

No, it couldn't be a problem.

Her driver picked her up two hours later, looking cheerful as always.

"So, going to the Bangtan Boys' house today, eh?" he asked, making friendly chit chat. Rein nodded, then realized he couldn't see her.

"Yep. We're celebrating." 

I think.

As the car drove by dozens of buildings at whirlwind speed, she looked up at the sky and smiled. She was comforted by the fact that that, at least the clouds and sky and sun were the same everywhere around the world. It made her feel nostalgic for a simpler time when she knew nothing about money and how the world worked. It was a time of curiosity and love.

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