20: house of cards.

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"I say it like a habit. We won't work in the end. Even so, I keep hoping, as long as I'm with you in the end as well, I'm okay."

0:00  |───────── 3:46

|◁ II ▷|

The colors of crimson and amber dissipated outside, mixing in to die with the other golden tones of autumn. Grey slush gathered in little clumps as if they were holding onto what little warmth they had.

The worst of winter approached like a death march, but strangely enough, it made Rein feel the most relaxed she had ever felt in the few months she had been in the city of Seoul. It was the time for cozy sweaters, hot chocolate, and stories that had no end. (plus, December was coming up which was her birthday month, so that was sweet)

Bighit started promotion on the new album—officially titled "Caged", though it wasn't completely finished yet—BTS going on various talk shows to drop sly hints about the project. She saw them on every screen she had access to, and it wasn't long before her social media flooded with surprised fans asking for more details about her collaboration with the boys. She tried to be as vague about it as possible while also appeasing the fans, but it only lead to a devolving of the situation.

Dating rumors sprouted, slowly but surely working their way up to Ms. Cho, who disregarded it as silly little theories.

"Don't worry yourself about it too much. The conspiracies never go anywhere. You know that," she said, giving her a knowing look. Rein had collaborated with male (and female) artists before, some of which whom she had more chemistry with than others. It had resulted in almost every interview she did asking about her previous "flames", in which she had to brush off with a casual smile.

After a few weeks of promotional interviews, Bighit wanted to release the concept photos and music video as soon as possible, so the boys stopped traveling to shoot. They were given a day or two to rest, then pulled onto the set for the first round of concept photos.

Rein was the first to arrive early, per Ms. Cho's request. At 6:30 AM, she was still rubbing the sleep from her eyes. An assistant handed her her clothes, and she got to take a peek at what the others were wearing, seeing a pattern in the outfits: lace, poison and a dash of flowers. The clothes were to be a little more casual than the music video for "Love Me", but still embody the spirit and theme of the album: dark, twisted, and hopeless.

After muttering a few good morning's to each other as they had their makeup applied, (they were all too tired to speak properly) they were then led by another nameless assistant to the set. It was what could only be deemed as an intricate masterpiece.

There were cages big enough to fit a person each, and thick, black curtains covered the windows. Sunlight still streamed in through the cracks, giving the set a dark, forbidden feel to it, especially coupled with the fact that one couldn't observe the set without seeing the chains that littered the obsidian, glass-like floor.

Barely visible in the back was a small, white door, free of the chains and darkness. Instead, flowers and vines bloomed from the sides and top, crowning what the door represented: freedom, flight.

The boys gave their obvious approval of the set decorations, exploring every inch of the place with inquisitive eyes. A woman with a clipboard stepped out with a grin.

"How does everyone like it?" she asked. As the boys chided on how magnificent the set was, Yoongi leaned in towards Rein.

"Pretty kinky, don't you think?" he whispered, earning a laugh from her.

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