36: make it right.

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"I could make it better. I could hold you tighter. On that long road, oh, you're the light."

0:00 |───────── 3:46

|◁              II             ▷|

Lotte World wasn't too crowded that time of year compared to the summer season, but there were enough people to make Rein's head spin when she arrived. One word: people. People everywhere. It was much more overwhelming than her concerts because at least then, she could be above them on a stage and not have to look at the whites of their eyes. But here, there was no escape. She'd have to swallow her claustrophobia down for a few hours.

"Come on, let's go before it gets too crowded," Rein said, pulling on Namjoon's arm. He smiled, taking it as playfulness and quickly turned to his map to trace their path.

"Let's go to French Revolution. It's my favorite ride, and it's pretty popular, too, so we should probably start heading over there right now," he said.

"Is it like, one of those roller coasters that'll give you whiplash? Because if that's the case, I have to brace myself," Rein asked as they started walking toward the ride. Namjoon laughed.

"Oh, no, no. It's pretty relaxing for most of it, actually. It has some nice scenery at the end, but it might be a bad idea to go on it if you have epilepsy or something..." Rein waved her hand.

"Epilepsy, schmepilepsy. No biggie. I better like it, though!" she teased.

"Don't worry, you will."

Namjoon was right about the scenery. The mini, medieval-style buildings were elegant and quaint, adorned by hot air balloons and a steel track. After the ride took off, she looked over at Namjoon skeptically.

"Wow. This is riveting," she said, the hint of a smile tugging the corner of her lips. Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"Just wait and see," he simply said. They rounded a corner and went up a steep hill. Rein gulped as she felt the anticipation of a drop.

The whiplash hit her full force as they zipped through the tunnel, the neon lights overhead making her even more disoriented. Once she got used to it, however, she laughed and looked over at Namjoon, observing how his hair was bounced along with the rest of his body. She wondered how she looked to him with her long hair.

As Rein threw up her arms, Namjoon grabbed her hand and intertwined his fingers in hers.

"Is this riveting enough for you?" he shouted through all of the screaming.

"YES!" she yelled back, and when the cart slowed down, she gave him a peck on the cheek. Her hair obscured her face, the impact of stopping so suddenly bringing it all to the front. Her legs felt like jelly when she stepped out. Namjoon chuckled at her state of disarray.

"How was that?"

"Well, is that the best you can do?"

"You're hard to please," he said, "I like that."

"Shall we go explore more of Lotte World, then?" Rein offered.

"Sounds like a plan."

They rode a few more roller coasters, Rein thoroughly enjoying all of them. The day felt like a dream that she never wanted to wake up from. She could almost pretend not to hide her identity, pretend to act like a normal couple, but she wasn't one to be ungrateful to be there no matter the circumstance, anyhow. To see Namjoon relaxed, carefree, and not bogged down by work was reward enough for her.

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