Chapter 1

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I cowered away in the corner of my bedroom as another blow came crashing down on my head, and then another, and then one to my ribs, one to my chest, another to the head, his fist continuing to pound into me, I was surprised I hadn't yet passed out, but I could feel myself getting dizzy, the headache starting to form, my skin throbbing from the continuous contact with his fist.

The blows finally stopped and I pulled my hands away from my face to look at the man I was supposed to call my father, he had beads of sweat dripping off of his forehead, he was panting as he stood over me the blows he had just delivered me taking it's toll, the smell of alcohol filling my nostrils letting me know that he had a few too many tonight and thought he would take it out on me, because he caught me in bed with a girl and still hasn't gotten over it, that evil expression written on his face that I have come to know so well, because now it's become a habit, him going out and getting so drunk he can barely stand, then come storming upstairs to my bedroom, throwing my door wide open and punching me until I couldn't breath, now I lay awake everynight until he gets home just waiting for it to happen, I watched as he reeled his fist back and it came crashing down hard connecting with my jaw one last time before he looked down at me in disgust and stumbled out of my bedroom.

I shot up in bed running my hands through my hair bringing my knees up to my chest, my elbows resting on top of my knees as I dropped my head forward and took in deep breaths trying to calm myself.

It was just a dream Lacey you're okay, he can't hurt you anymore, you're okay, just breath.

and even though I knew that was true, that he in fact could not hurt me anymore, I still couldn't stop the hot tears that slid down my cheeks and off of my chin, I bit down on my bottom lip to stop it from trembling and a sob from escaping but it was no use, the sob still escaped from my lips, and I sounded like I was dying, the noise was dreadful, thank god I lived alone.

After a few minutes i began to compose myself and i brushed my tears away with the pads of my fingers and let out one more deep breath before climbing off of my bed and making my way into my bathroom that was attached to my bedroom, I turned the light on and walked over to the mirror above the sink starring at my reflection.

I look like terrible, but 5 hours sleep and a nightmare would do that to you.

I turned on the hot tap filling the sink with water, bending down over the sink i scooped the water into my hands splashing it onto my face washing my tears away, i picked up a towel from the handrail and dried my face, before picking up my toothbrush and brushing my teeth.

I walked back into my bedroom checking my alarm clock on the bedside table, i still had 2 hours before i had to be at work, so i made my way downstairs and into the kitchen and turned on the coffee machine.

it's been 8 years since that night my dad had attacked me, i was 16 and the next day i packed my bag and left, vowing to myself i would never step near him again, but 5 nights out of 7 i still saw him in my dreams, i'm 24 and i still can't escape from him.

I wonder if it will ever stop.

When I left, my bestfriend took me into her house, until my dad found me so i had to leave there and was staying at a hostel for 6 months while i worked and worked so i could pay for a cheap apartment, i put myself through school and college pushing myself to the best that I could be, and now i have a teaching degree for english, i've been working at the same school for 18 months now and honestly i love my Job, 3 months into the job i put a down payment on the house i am living in now and my life has never been better.

Emma Daniels (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now