Part 5

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Then may I know what she doing in our table" asked confused Arnav.
"Actually Nannav, you should ask this question in other way, that is what we are doing in her table" said Niki while having his juice.
"what you mean Niki" asked Akash.
"When we reached here, there was no place expect this table and our Niki want to have something from here itself so we asked her sharing this table with us and she agreed. I think she got some call so went away keeping her bag here" explained Anjali to her family.
"Oye Niki, cant you control your hunger for sometime" asked  irritated Arnav.
"Aru stop and Niki how was your journey"asked Akash.
"Awsome bhai" replied Nikil.
"you should ask this question to his co-passanger who bear him for entire journey." commented Arnav.
"Nannnnavvv...." but before Nikil complete his word there come another voice.
"Excuse me..." but that person word also stoped mid way looking at the known faces.
"Miss Gupta, what a pleasent surprise. What are you doing here" asked Askash.
"Actually that is my laptop. I love to spend time here, thats it." replied Kushi clamly.
"She is the one, we saw on that board, hai na Arthi" asked  Nani looking at Her daughter.
"yes Ma, but in real she looking much prettier" Arthi murmured.
"Miss Gupta they are my family, My mom and Nani, She is Anjali di a writer, and he is Nikil our younger brother completed his MBA from London and you know Arnav. She is Kushi Kumari Gupta our wedding planner" Akash Happily introduce his family to Kushi and she give beautiful smile to them expect Arnav she not even looked at his face.
"That means you are not a college student" Asked Nikil looking at Kushi.
"No, I am not. Let me take my lappy and I will move, Mr.Raizada just be comfortable" saying that kushi took her lappy and try to move.
"You can sit here with us Kushi ji" requested Anjali.
"No no its okay, I will manage" Saying that she again tried to move but stoped by Arnav.
"Kushi sit with us, my mom love to chat with you" Arnav said making his mom to glare at him with amused and kushi glare at him with angry filled eyes which was only saw by Arnav.
"Yes beta be with us, we will feel good" said Nani supporting Arnav. Kushi took seat near Arnav without any other option.
"Payal was not stoping her words about you after meeting you yestrday" Akash informed to Kushi.
"I am just doing my duty thats it Raizada" kushi give simple reply.
"Thats so nice of you Kushi ji" said Anjali.
"Its because of you di Miss Gupta is sitting with us, she have a bubbly sister. she is crazy fan of you and , who made her agree to decorate my wedding planning with a condition that is, She want to meet you" completed Akash.
"Is that so then Anju you should meet her" added Arthi.
"Why not mom, why dont you call her Kushi ji" asked Anjali.
"No, Miss Raizada. Dont take trouble to meet my crazy sister. she will meet you in some other day, now she must be in college and it will take another 30 minutes to come here and some people are eager to leave" Kushi said last words lookong at Arnav.

"We dont mind to wait for your sister Kushi, wait let me call her, di will talk, just give her number" said Arnav again shocking his family member.
without having any other option Kushi dield her sister number and asked her to come to Hunger stop.
Her call end but some other phone start to ring. It was none other than Arnav's. With irritated look he attend the call while moving to isolated place.

After dropping the phone he trun back to move towards his family but stopped by same hazel eyes which distrubing him now days and nights.
"You are waiting for me" asked curious Arnav.
"unfortunately I have to say yes, I was doing that" replied Kushi.
"why, want to share something" asked Arnav.
"I dont want to hate my name Raizada" replied Kushi.
"I dont get you" said confused Arnav.
"let me explain, I dont like when you take my name. I feel disgusting so please dont take my name ever. I was mute, because I dont want to create a scene front of your family and dont want them came to know that we were together in college." completed kushi and try to move from there but stoped by Arnav words.
"Now your love for me change into hate, am I right??" asked Arnav.
"Love for you change into none. I dont have any kind of feeling for you." saying that she moved from there.


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