Part 76

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Shyam looked like someone drenched him with cool water. He looked at his monkey who's eyes filled tears of Happiness.  Nishali looked at Shyam without saying anything took his hand kept on Anjali's forwarded hand. The perfect moment captured in picture.
Shyam withdrawn his hand and move out from the class, making Anjali sad.
"Hey Jansi ki Rani it not time to sit and cry, go and catch your Happines. Eve aactually need push to move towards you" Nishali said while pulling Anjali from floor and pushed out of the class.
"Shyam Ji" Anjali called out to stop him moving further.
"Shyam Ji, please don't ignore me like that. I know you love me too but my status stopping you from it. I can sacrifices every damn thing for you"
"You are Right, I have feelings for you but I am not selfish to take away your family from you and your luxury life. Anjali You have think  practically. I am orphan and thats the reason I know value of family and your royal family never accept me" His words and his eyes saying two different thing which easily Identified by Anjali so without caring about the surroundings she moved towards and took his lips for their precious first kiss. She waited for him to respond and she felt happy when his hand surrounded her while responding to the first kiss. Atlast shyam give up on his loneliness.
"So Mr Gupta, This much practical is enough to tell you that, I want to have family with you in future."
"On one condition"
"What condition now"
"More than love, I need your trust. Make sure It remain forever, If it is break in our relation,  Shyam will be apart from Anjali, His Ranisahiba" Shyam Replied.
"That day never come, I promise"
"So your Eve and My Anju become couple, What about us Nishi" Yash Commented looking at the couple who totally lost in the land of love.

"Not a bad Idea for me, But it will great trouble to handle Shyam's Monkey Girl. Now tell me you ready to enter into my life and back off is  death of any of us in this relationship is the condition. Deal or No deal"
"Its Deal for life long" Saying that Yash pulled her for warm hug of love.
Back to present.
After their confession, Their Happiness spread everywhere in the college. The bond of four become very strong with time. Shyam's Monkey and Ranisahiba never fail to irritate him with their pranks and mischievous, Never fail to make him feel blessed with their unconditional love. Anjali never felt jealous of Shyam-Nishi relationship on other hand Nishali made sure they (Shyam and Anjali) spent more time with eachother. Nishi is the one who arrange date and dinner for them and pushed them to go. Yash never come in between Shyam-Nishi's relationship. Their understanding and trust on each other amazed us. Come with me" Principal get up from the chair and moved  out of the office followed by Kiran and Nikhil.
Their walk end at the painting museum of the college. Kiran and Nikhil looked at each other with confusion. Their confused eyes stuck with big portrait on the wall. "This is the painting by Yash Sawant. He was the one who captured the picture of Anjali proposing Shyam. He made painting of that with caption of  "Two jewels Friendship &Love" Anjali promised us to write story on this caption...After the college life end, Shyam become professor in our college and on that duration Nishali, Anjali and Yash visited college twice or thrice in a week. All changed when Shyam informed me about planned to go out of India. He already made arrangements for the same and he put the resignation too. But all of sudden Shyam disappeared before completing his notice period  and The three stopped coming to college. I tried to contact Nishali's Uncle who was Guardian of her as Her parents died on plan crash when she was 5. After that her so called uncle took her custody for the wealth on her name which left by her parents. He not gave me any postive answer about my child. Later came to know Anjali become a writier and Shyam is some where out of India" Saying that Principal took deep breath.
"Now everything is crystal clear Niki, I have to call Di and inform her about this" Saying that she dialed her Di's number.

On the Car.
"Hello GeetaMa, What happened??" Khushi enquired on call.
"What, Did he mentioned his Name is Dr Verma??" Khushi enquired on call.
"Okay, Geetma. I will take care of that"
"What happened Khushi, What Geetma told. Who is Dr Verma??" Enquired Arnav.
"Dr. Verma is Handling the case of that unknown girl who is in coma. Let me call him first. I think he tried to call me when I was in Mumbai and My number was switched off. He called on land line number day before yesterday." Saying the Khushi dialed the number
At college..
"Di's number is busy Niki, You tried Jiju's number na"
All the while Principal looked at the serious face this kid and unknown situation which making them tension.
"Its ringing, but why he is not answering" Saying that he again tried.
Same time at Car.
"Dr. Verma You called me. Actually I was out of town for two days"
"She come out of coma day before yesterday, I was trying to contact you to pass this news and one more thing" Dr replied on call shocking Khushi.
Arnav looked at his phone and answered the call.
"What happened Niki, Did you get any clue"
"We got know the real story" Nikhil replied on call.
"What is the matter Dr" Khushi enquired.
"After coming conscious she continuously trying to get up from the bed and risking her body which is not supporting her due to long coma duration. She want to see Eve and Jansi ki Rani. Do you know them in any way."
"Eve and Jansi ki rani. Now who are they" Khushi murmured to herself.
"Bhai, You are right. It was Shyam with whom our Di eloped and got married. I send you the picture too" Replied Nikhil on call.
"Who is the girl in hospital, Did you get any information about Her???" Enquired Arnav
"I dont Know any of them, Did she disclose her name" Khushi replied to Dr
"Yes, her name..." (Dr to Khushi)
"Yes, her Name is..."(Nikhil to Arnav)
"Nishali Sharma" Arnav and Khshi spell out together and looked at each other with shock.
"What happened Miss Gupta/ What happened Bhai" Dr and Nikhil enquired on respective call.

"Arnav put the call on speaker" Requested Khushi while putting her call on speaker.
"Dr. How is Nishali Sharma's health now". enquired Khushi due to calls on speaker all are hearing what opposite one is speaking.
"She is out of danger but her body is weak and she is hell bent on to move out to see her eve. She is not ready to hear us out too. From two days she is doing violence and we had to give her sleeping pill" Dr explained the condition.
"Who is Eve now??" Arnav enquired.
"Bhai, Eve means Shyam Ji. Nishali is Shyam's best buddy. I think she is not aware about the past five year of her coma stage. Thats why she is doing violence to meet him." Explained Nikhil on call
" Di, that girl is Our bhai's life and Bhai is her life. She will be normal, only after seeing Bhai is safe and sound " Kiran  informed on call.
" Kidd from where you got all this information" Enquired Khushi.

"Here Principal is well aware about Bhai, Anjali ji, Yash and Nishali. So he told us everything from the start" Kiran explained each and every deatils on call. Which made emotional situation in car.
Taking deep breath  Khushi replied on call " Kidd, Niki and Principal Sir please reach  Jeevandeep hispital soon as possible. As Nishali only reoganise Principal, So he can make her understand and Dr. Make sure no one injecting her with any sedation."
"Okay Miss Gupta" Dr replied while cutting the call.
"Okay Di, we are leaving to meet our Bhai's sweet monkey Girl"
"Arnav, where all this leading. That girl is none other than a kind hearted person who was sending money to us when we were in orphanage. She was the one who took care our bhai in college. She was the one who gone through the valley of death for my Bhai. After coming out of coma, she still adamant on meeting Bhai not giving any care about her week body. Why Bhai never introduce Nishali Di to us" Khushi Cried out loud on his arm.
"Khushi, look at the bright side, she come out from the coma when all truth is out. You should be happy because you were the one who took care of your Nishali Di. She was in safe hand. We will reach to Your Bhai on time and disclose everything to my Di. After that their life also fill with Happiness and Krrish their son" Arnav console her but his mind is going through the tension as something bad going to happen. His thoughts distrub with the call.
"Yes Rishib"
"Arnav, Yash number is located. And Your Dadi and Aadrash number towar location is changing and its is leading to the same place where Yash. Khushi prediction is right"
"Thanks Buddy"
"We are took the cab, on the way to there..How can we leave our friends in middle. Meet you there buddy" Rishib reply made Arnav happy and proud.

"Khushi, you are right. Their place located and Its that temple Area only"
"Its not temple area Arnav its Temple only, Anjali Di took my Bhai to there where she lost everything. Arnav that located in hillside, I am afraid Arnav. If again the past repeat. The temples never fail to snatch my love one. If she once again try to snatch any one of my love, I won't see her face ever Arnav. I promise" Khushi cried.

"Hey God, If you want your dear daughter back. You have to protect them" He prayed in his mind.

"Aku, Anju will be fine na" Aarti enquired while her eyes filled with fresh tears.
"Maa, please stop worrying. Di will be fine." Akash tried to control the situation which is getting complicated with passing seconds.
On the temple.
A car stopped at near temple are and two evil brain took their step out of car. Smiled at each other for the their plan is going to success in coming few hours.
"Did you bought that Dadi" Enquired Aadrash.
"Do you think, I will forget that. Today our wait will over Adrash"
They took each step towards temple with brutality filled mind. The Their foot stops at last stair step. Where she is waiting for them. The mastermind of every thing Miss Anjali Singh Raizada in her bridal look.
"Why you are wearing this Anju" Enquired Dadi.
"This dress is the last gift from him. He asked me to wear this and come here on that fateful day. Before I reach here, I got that message from his number Stating "I am done with you, Leaving you for forever. Never try to follow me". So Now its time to return back  the favours in same manner. So Dadi I am going to be his bride and But I won't complete the seven pheres. Before completing the seven phera the reality will touch the ground and" Anjali forwarded her hand towards Dadi. With evil smile Dadi handover the Gun to Anjali...

Love you

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