Part 50

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You are not dump to understand my words and I am not blind to see the love for her in your eyes" Yash cool replied shocked Shyam.
"How... How you know that" Shyam stammered while asking.
"I am here not only to attending the wdding, Anju called me to confess her feelings, that she started to feel for you. Actually she bit confused about her new feelings and her past is not allowing her to confess that you. So she asked me to help her. So here, I am observing you from our first meet, I am sure you have some kind of feelings towards Anju thats why I disclose this things too you.

"You are right, I have feelings and I am sure, thats feelings is love for her. She stand for my sister against her own family, That was the first impression she made in front of me, our first met at SheeshaMahal. That day I saw a storng women, I attracted towards her nature. As time moved my attraction trun in to some feelings, Feeling to be with her always. At first I was confused about my feelings but your entry on Sangeet and after she introduced you to me, all made me upset with the fact that she belongs to someone and She not gonna with me anymore as she got her best friend. The realization made me think about my feelings for her and I don't wanted to create any problem in between you two with my feelings thats why tried to avoid meeting her  but now after knowing her feelings for me , I won't let her go from my life. Thank you so much Yash" Saying that shyam move towards in search of Anjali.
(Anju my work is done, he is coming towards you. ) Yash messaged her.
"(Thank you) got reply from her number.
"She is beautiful like an angel, I know she gone through so much. I promise to myself, I will make her forget about her past" Shyam thought to himself while moving towards Anjali who is totally busy with cute Krrish.
"I think someone forget me when he got new friend" Shyam comented looking at Krrish.
"Mammu, we had Yummy ice cream" Krrish informed joyfully.

"Ohh thats means you enjoying your company with your new friend"
"Haaa, my new friend is so good"
"Rani sahiba, lets have coffee" Shyam offered.
"But Krrish" asked Anjali.
"I will take care of him, dont worry. You go with him" the voice come from behind who is none other than Yash.
"Thank you Yash, Now come, Rani Sahiba" Shyam rightfully took her hand.

*At coffee house*
"So not beat around the bush, I felt some pull towards you, when you stand for my Khushi. I felt Something new feelings in my heart."
" I never thought about family life because My world is my two sisters and Krrish. You know Khushi is unmarried if new member in our family, especially in my life not go well with my world. It will end there only"
"But after seeing you, my fear faded away, I think I got my soul. I don't know more about your past and I don't even care about it too. I am looking forward beautiful future with you. Will you be my lady love Miss Anjali Singh Raizada"
"I prefer Mrs. Anjali Shyam Jha. I Love you" Anjali replied with cute smile.
"Love you too Rani Sahiba"
"Shyam Ji, for some time we have to keep our relationship away from our family" requested Anjali.
"I love to follow you"

On the other side At sheeshamahal. Preparation is going in full swing. Khushi and Kiran making sure everything on place. In between all those, there is cute romantic nok jok going on between Kiran and Nikhil. All the preparation adding more beauty in Sheeshamahal. The surrounding looking like festive season.
"Arnav, what is your plan. Tomorrow is last day. After that Khushi will leaving from here"  Asked Aman.
"Aman, let the plan remain in my mind only. You make sure Rishib leaving before the reception. There will drama in reception and at the end Khushi will be hurt if she not confess the feeling before time. I don't want to use that way but I don't have any other option" replied Arnav
"Arnav, let me inform you one thing. There is one more person. Because of that person I am helping you and gave you that dairy. That person won't be happy if you hurt Khushi" Jia informed and move out from there while dialing some numbers in her phone.
"Did she mention anything about that person to you" asked curious Arnav
"No yaar" replied Aman.
"Tik tok. Tik tok" the voice alrmed Khushi.
"So you identified my voice. Thats good Khushi" said Arnav.
"Mr. Raizada you don't have any shame."
"Why should I have sham, that also front of my better half"
"I think you are dreaming alot Raizada, let me remained you. Tomorrow is last day and I not gonna confess anything as there is nothing to confess"
"I also love to remained you one thing. You don't have much time. Make sure you confess your feelings on time otherwise face the consequences. Tik tok tik tok" replying that Arnav move out leaving worried Khushi behind
It won't be easy day for you Khushi. Be ready to face it. Khushi thought to herself.
The day. Last day of the functions. Everyone  have something or other thing in mind. The day of destiny. The end of the day will decide what will future of love stories. What drama going to unfolds.

Love You

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