Part 68

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"I can't introduce my gf, because I don't have any gf. And about Lavanya, she was just a pretend girl friend so technically there was no dumping happened at all. " Arnav once again repeated his words which made her feet to stop at exist and look back.
"Because, I come know what is true love meant. Someone made me realize what true colour of love is. She made me realize look doesn't matter in love your heart beats matter in all. Your raising heart beats when you are near to your love. Yes I am in love with her. All your mind is stored with question, if I am loving someone then why I said there is no girl friend in my life, Right. Because She is more than mere girl friend for me. Before introducing my love to all, I have to seek forgiveness from a person. Before Giving Name to my Love, I need her forgiveness, The person hurt because of me, I laughed at her love for me, Made fun of her before you all" With words he took his step towards her.
" Will You ever forgive me MRS. KHUSHI ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA for my stupidity" His voice echoed everywhere, he dropped on his knee front of Khushi shocking everyone. They looked at eachother to confirm whether they are in some kind of Dream. They looked at The great ASR, who is on knee front of that girl, same girl once he hurt with the her same look. Their eyes move towards her which was filled with tears when they last saw her before 5 years but today She is not showing any kind of emotion for Arnav who is crying his heart out. More over She is Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada. His wife but How?? No one have the answer for that.
" I can't introduce my girlfriend because, she is not my girlfriend, she is my love, my life, my wife. fallen in love with the same person whose heart I broken with my stupidity, willl you forgive me for that. I am so SORRY , I LOVE YOU" Saying that he looked at Khushi for some response but he got none more over she moved back with in no second, she run away from there.
Arnav hope broken in million pieces. Once he broken her heart in same place where he lost his last chance today, He lost the chance to bring back those heart beats which lost in past. Tears, only tears left with him and some kind of sympathy from friends and other. Now he realize how it felt being ignored by your love.

Aman and Jia looked at broken man front of their eyes. His heart is beating fast as it want to run behind his love. He looked at the way from where she is disappeared. The path covered with darkness just like his life.
But There is something, yes there is something shining, he try to catch view of the object, he slowly move towards it and picked it up. Its a bangel, its belongs to his Khushi. How can he not reorganise the thing which belongs to his Khushi. He looked further at the path find there some more bangels. He move towards it.
"Arnav, where are you leaving" Aman shouted from behind but it fall in deafness. Aman tried to move towards his best friend but one hand stopped him doing so. Aman looked at the person with anger.

"Why you did this, Lavanya??"
"Don't stop him Aman, he is going towards his love. Some more minute left for him. Let him go. He is following his heart" Lavanya words shocked Aman.
"Lavanya, you"
"Yes Aman, Today I am guilt free. I realized my mistake Aman. Its not by punishment given by Arnav. I realized my mistake because of her. Khushi Gupta, She give me hand to stand. She show me the path to walk. Now I am happy. for fame I forget my mom and Dad Happiness. They want me to see as family girl not a model. I am going to engage to Mr. Rishib. We are in relationship Aman."
"All this happened here, we are not aware about anything. In between when you met Khushi?." Enquired Aman.

After being out from Sheeshamahal. Arnav not left any stone to unturn for punishing me for my deeds. After throwing out from AR no one ready to give me job. My family was against my modeling career from start so I was living in rent on a Luxurious flat but Arnav informed the flat owner regarding my jobless status, so they asked me vacates the flat. I left with only support of Rishib. In short period saw my life falling to no where. That when, Khushi come in picture. The next day after you all reaching Delhi. Khushi took flight for Mumbai, I think Arnav informed you all that Khushi left for somewhere.
"Yes, After dropping Arnav at her home, She left. That means She was here on that day"

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