Part 25

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"I...... a...m....sorry ASR, I used.....I used you for my revenge againt that behanji" Lavanya stammered with her confession.
"HER NAME IS Khushi..Miss Khushi Gupta, and tell me each and everything in details and dont dare to lie, Lavanya, I have my own source to find out the hidden story of revenge" Arnav Warned.
"First day of college, All students were from rich families expect her, Her dressing style sound out her standard of living." Lavanya's words cut by some one else.
"A girl from middle class but her eyes reflect her confidence. I never thought you will take revenge for that first day college incident and hurt that poor soul  without her fault." Aman completed his words.
"Whats going on, Aman. What incident you are talking about which lead her to take revenge using me"
"You are unware about that incident because you were late entry. But that incident was not that serious one"
"That may be not serious for you. That day because of her, whole class laughed at me because of her" Lavanya shouted.
"God  dammit, what you both are talking about". Arnav shouted.
"I will tell you what happened but how she used you for taking revenge, even I dont know.


"Hey gys, after long vacation we are now in college life." commented Lavanya.
"You are looking hot, l. in this dress" comment come from Rishib.
"Thanks Rishi" Where is Arnav?Aman." asked Lavanya.
"He took admission but he will join us after some days. Dont know why? Just informed this much only" completed Aman.
"Hey look at that girl, how disgusting dress code" Commented Rishib looking at a girl who is wearing simple kurti with leggings.
"How this kind people got admission here. Wait let me play some game with her" informed Lavanya.
"No lavanya let her go, she is not coming in our way anyways. " Aman try to avoid the situation.
"You are such a spoil sport Aman, "Hey you,  Yes you only. Come here fast" Lavanya call out for that girl.
"That girl move towards them, when she confirmed they are calling her only.
"So hello Miss.Behan ji  what is your name? and what is you are doing here?" Asked Lavanya.
"Khushi, my name is Khushi" before completing her words Riship put his nose in between.
" So you are Khushi, may I get 1 kg Khushi please" Rishib start to tease her.
"Please let me go,," Khushi requested.
"Hey Rishi, let her go in but before that you have to call us ma'am n sir" ordered Lavanya.
"Look, I dont want any fight.  I am here to study and calling some one ma'am or sir it because they deserve and earn to be call by that but I cant see that in you so please I wont call you that" Khushi smartly replied and tried to move.
"What you mean Miss Behan ji" before Lavanya complete her words come another voice.
"Students get in the class" order one of the professor.
All entred in class and settled down. Lavanya sit with her buddies at middle seat. Khushi took place at front".
"Hello all I am Manish Mishra, your class teacher. This is your first year and you have to bear me for 3 years. Okay okay jokes apart. Lets start with introdution part"
Lavanya not give any attension Professor words.
One by one every one start to introduce their self. Turn come to Lavanya but she was so busy on her gossipes with other, not notice whats going on still professor interpreted.
"Miss, if you complete your gossip then can you please introduce your self." Professor asked.
"I am Lavanya. Lavanya Kashyab." Lavanya Introduce Her self in attitude manner.
"Name is good but dont use the tone which may make people hate your name" advise Professor.
"I will take care of that, you dont need to worry about that" Lavanya rudly replied.
Like that all introduce and turn come to Khushi to introduce but before she introduce her self  Lavanya opened her mouth.
"She is Miss Behan ji, sir" Lavanya unwanted interference made Professor little angry.
"You Miss Lavanya, I think she have voice to introduce her self you dont need to become voice for her or She is paying you to speak behalf of her" Professor shouted at her making other students to laugh.
"Enough now, please introduce your self beta" asked Professor.
"Khushi Gupta" With small smile she introduced.
"So I am your QMB teacher so before going to our syllabus.  we can start with basic of maths which we all learn in school days" saying that Professor wrote one equation on board.
"So Miss Lavanya,  come and solve this problem and show your skill" Professor first target was Lavanya who just come out with confused look at the problem.
She took marker from the table. start to write something but earse it and then wrote something and again rub it off. Like that she wasted 5 minutes.
"If you attend your school for studies, you could have solve this in a minute. But you were so busy on your make up and unwanted thing. Let me inform you,  your makeup and your dressing code never get you anything so please concentrate on your studies. One more thing, what is % you got in your HSC?" enquired Professor.
"48%" replied Lavanya.
"I was right,  this bad side of high standard college. Money buy the seat which was deserve for the students who scored high in their exam but they hardly get chance. Leave all that, is any one here who can solve this problem. You go and take your seat" Professor order.
First day and first lecture, insult by professor, which made lavanya so much anger on professor.  Adding further fuel in it, Khushi move towards the board and solve the problem in minute.
"Well done dear, go and take your place. good to know some students are there who are interested in studies" commented Professor and started the class.
After some hours at Auditorium of college. All  students gathered as per Principal order
"Helloo All, I am Sharddha Deshmukh, principal of this College. So how was the first day going on"

"Awesome Ma'am" Students shouted.
"Thats good, okay now come to the point. This year we got two talented people in our college. Dont think others are not talented one. But this two are special. I would like to introduce them, First one is State Level foot ball champion under 18. Who is none other than Arnav Singh Raizada and who also secured 95% in HSC. I wish to make him as caption of our foot ball team. He is unable to reach today and may be not able to attend some more class because of some personal reason" Principal announced.
All clapped for him.
"The other one is the person who scored full marks in her HSC exam. That is 100%. Her name is Khushi Gupta. Khushi Please come to the stage" Principal anounaced it shocking every one and more shocking news for Lavanya.
"One more thing, The first step of women empowerment,  we always give chance to become class Representative position to a girl. Every class will have one class representative.  Among them one girl selected as Head girl. Is that clear. One more thing Arnav and Khushi will be directly entring in the nomination of head girl and boy position. Other than her One more girl will be selected from their class which will be voted by the class students. Is that clear." Principal Ordered and dismiss the Meeting.

Flash back End...

I am happy with the response of your and read every one comments.  Whole heartly thanking every one.

There will be two male entry in the story. And that entry give shock to 3 people. 1 will be Arnav. Other 2 will be....let it be a small surprise for you all.

Love you

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