Part 22 and Part 23

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"Leave all that, how you guys came to know Payal's this fantasy which only I know" asked confused Akash.
"Actually this idea was given by Happiness but we are also unaware about this fantasy of Bhabi, we thought its something different and not like any other cocke tail party which we all are bored with but now I am happy Payal bhabi will be 101% happy"
" yes But one more thing is remaining and that is my brother going propose bhabi like she wished" order Anjali.
"Ofcourse di, I will do that di. I promise and I want to thank all of you who is making my Payal happy and doing so much for us" thanked Akash.
"Aku, you sholud thank yourself who brought Kushi as a wedding planner who is making this wedding special for you" informed Anjali.
"you are right di, she is full meaning of happiness who spread happiness every where but where is she"asked Nikhil
"Its beautiful guys, you made this place to animated world" comments come from behind.
"wow Di, you are looking beautiful in this. Beautyful belle but I give you costume of Elsa right" asked Kiran looking at her sister.
"Yes you give me that but that costumes was oversizes, kidd, so I thought to wear this" replied Kushi.
"So Beauty and the Beast in real world commented Nikhil which bring back Arnav from his lost land looking at the beauty.
"Who is Beast here,??" her words end when her hazel eyes move towards the chocolate brown eyes whos face covered with makeup of lion and wearing Prince costume"
Realisations gone through both the side. which made one person happy and other one shock.
"No Niki actually Arnav want to change his costume, so let him do that. Aru you go and change, we dont mind" Informed Anjali while controlling her giggles.
"No di, no need of that I am perfectly fine in this" confirmed Arnav while looking at Kushi who ignored his glares on her.
"Now what happen Raizada, you are okay with this costume??" asked Kiran.
"After knowing who is beauty and beast how can I hate this costume" replied Arnav with meaniful words.
"Arnav your bhabi reached at the door step" informed Aman.
"So gys get ready, expect Akash ji, all are find a place to hide. Just go gys why we are waiting" informed Kiran while moving to hide somewhere along with Nikhil follow behind her.
Taking the opportunity Arnav took Khushi's hand move towards to hide making Lavanya red with anger.
"all the best Aku" informed Anjali and move out from there.
Darkness fall every where. Payal took step towards the drakness filled room with little hesitation. Her step stoped looking at the uncovered darkness. But her eyes reflect with spark when she saw small tinkle bell doll with lights.
Payal took step towards that. And touched that doll. Yes the tinkle bell doll with light. Tinckle bell start to fly with cute wings showing path for princess payal to move further.
The lighting tinkle stopped at centre of the room followed by Payal step stopped there.
"Hey beautiful Princess" A known voice touched Payal's ears.
A spot lights showed a figure, the handsome figure who is none other than Akash her love, her Prince Charming.
" Hey Princess, taking Payal's hand in his, he kneel down on the floor,"hey beauty, today I want to confess something. I know I am not romantic and never gave enough time for our relationship. It was always you who stood strong on our relationship. It was you who understand my unsaid words too. I am nothing without you..I love you. I am lucky to get you as my soul mate." Akash confessed his feeling whole heartly making Payal to drop her pearls like tear drops.
Without taking another moment Payal hugged him while whispering "I love you" near his ears.
"I think this too filmy"Arnav murmured which was audible for Khush.
"May be, but every girl wish this one moment in her life." replied Khushi.
"You also wishing the same??" asked curious Arnav.
"I wished the same and dream about this moment with one person, but that wish died long back" replied Kushi with little pain in her voice.
"Khushi..." his words cut off by claps.
Light spread every where. Every one come out from their hiding places clapping for cute Cindralla and Prince Charming. The last one was Beast and beauty from their hiding place with small smile.

Love You
"Aku, Payal you gys will get lots of time for hugging and further more but now you can leave eachother"teased Anjali.
"Di, you are such a tease"Payal replied while pulling out from hug.
"Di dont tease them. bhai I must say, kya speech tha, I meant proposal" teased Nikhil.
"Niki, now stop it, I must say this is day is so much special for me. Dream come true day. Thank you for this. I always dreamed about romantic proposal but never thought I am so much lucky to get fairy tale like romantic proposal. Thank you so much once again" Payal express her feelings.
"Dont thank us Bhabi, we are family after all" replied Arnav.
"Lucky to get this family as my in laws" Payal replied.
"Not only this family Payal, you got 2 sister who are behind this magical creation of fairy land and made this fairytale proposal true" Anjali informed.
"Yes, I got best sisters in this world" payal replied while hugging Kiran and Khushi.
"Jiji, we are happy that you like this arrangement" Confirmed Kiran
"Like is small word, I love this. Akash informed you about this craze of mine" Payal enquired.
" No Payal, I am not, this function is surprising for me too" informed Akash.
"Then how you gys knew about this" asked confused Payal.
"Di was the one who give us theme idea and helped us in so many things" informed Kiran.
"When I visited your home, I saw collection of fairytale book and cd along with your medicine books,, so I just concluded that you like this and it will be new idea too" replied Khushi.
"it just a rubbish idea, it like we are attending some kid bday pary" commented Lavanya who is so much jealous with Khushi.
"Miss Chamkchalo, if you cant say good things then dont use your voice, which definitely help to decrease noise pollution" commented Kiran.
"Lavanya, the theme get value when it touch that person hearts for whom you organize this function, if not then it is totally meaning less. That is why Rays of Happiness is famous. Khushi and Kiran always make sure those fuctions touch the hearts of the people. My friend till cherish her wedding day and I am sure I also do the same in future" Payal completed her words.
"Yes Lavanya, wedding day is important day for each and everyone making it beautiful and touching those hearts are more than important" Anjali supported Payal.
"Too much of emotional talk, now lets have a dance princess" Akash open his hand towards payal.
with a happy smile she move towards the dance floor.
Nikhil does not took another minute, took Kiran and move towards dance floor.
"Aman, took Lavanya to dance floor" Arnav murmured near to Aman ears.
"Why me, you are her bf, you only take her" Aman replied.
"She is not my gf, its fake one to avoid all gossips in the city" Arnav murmured.
"Exactly, now you want to society again start to join your name with different models, who are working for your company. That is why you are avoiding Lavanya now a days" asked Aman.
"No more, society will add my name with anyone else name. Starting it was me who allowed media to add my name with those models because I thought it will be fame for me but when I realize it negatively affecting my bhai status so I deciside to introduce Lavanya as my gf the fake one but she is taking too much advantage of it. Now I have to stop this play. and wont allow society to make new gossips." Arnav explained.
"ASR"?? Aman call out.
"What" Arnav replied.
"No I am confirming that you are ASR or someone else" Aman replied.
"No Aman, he is Arnav. You know what Aman, Arnav start to hear his heart voice after almost 6 years. I know the reason behind this change, that is Khushi. The beast turn to prince because he totally fall for his beauty." Anjali completed her words while hugging Arnav.
"Di, you are aware about this" Asked confused Arnav.
"Yes Aru, how can I ignore the changes in you. All those hate towards love started because of me." Anjali said.
"No di, aisa kuch nahi hai. Now Aman dont waste time take lavanya to dance floor other wise she will come and ask me for dance, if I say no, She will create scene." Arnav requested.
"Aman do this help for your friend and Aru just ask Khushi for dance dont worry I will make her agree for that" Saying that Anjali move towards Khushi.
"Arnav did your di know about past incidents happened in our farewell function" asked Aman.
"No Aman, I will disclose every thing, first let me win back my Khushi" Arnav explained.
"My Khushi," oh my god Arnav. You became so romantic. But I have to become bali ka bakra in your Love story and please make sure Rishib stay away in this love matter, you know him. right" Aman commented and move to out ask Lavanya for a dance.
"Chal beta Arnav, lets go and dance with your beauty" his mind murmured.

Love Nightangle

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