Part 53

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His words shocked every one presents on the function. Khushi felt Some unknown fear forming in her heart, she kept her hand on near chair for the support. Darkness help her to hide her fear filled face.

"Yes, She was pregnant with my baby, the 9 months of her pregnancy and only 9 months remained to complete our degree. I was so cruel, I asked her abort the baby, but she never given into it. She covered her baby bump with her loose dress, no one notice her, even my friends was unaware about she being pregnant with my baby. And I started to avoid her. Never cared about her and our baby"
"That time, my mind only stored with one thing, have to move out from this mess, before its go out of my hand. And I did the biggest mistake of my life. An unforgivable sin. I....I asked her to confess her feelings for me front of whole college so that I can accept her in my life, as thought in mind, She not gonna confess that also front of whole college. But she proved me wrong."
Khushi start to move towards the stage, with his every words.
"She proposed me through a letter on our farewell party front of whole college. I was the handsome hero of the college with a heart of devil. Devil who only know to hurt poor people. Yes I was devil with the mask of hero. I insulted her feeling front of whole college, I made fun of her with her look. I called her ugly girl. I laughed at her and my friends and whole college students accompanied me"
"All that time, her eyes looked at me with unknown pain. Her tears wet her cheeks. After facing that much insult, she not said a single word against me. She silently gone through the pain. After that farewell party incident, She just like fade away from my life. After that  party we had study leave and then exam. Her chapter end there, She went away from my life forever."

Arnav took deep breath, requested to put on the light.

He looked at every faces of his family members.  Some faces have tears among those faces one belongs to his mom and other one his Nani, on the other side Anjali, Nikhil and his friends on confusion land. Akash looked, angry at his younger brother and Payal trying to clam him down. Shyam stand mute as other guests without knowing anything. Arnav last looked at the face of his love, who's eyes red with fire on it as well as shocked like hell.

"I know, I am hurting all with this disclosure. your mind going through the questions "Why this drama on this occasion???" and "Why the playboy, who's name tagged with many models in page 3, confessing all this today???" but going further, I would like to disclose one more thing, May be my name tagged with many but I never crossed my limit with anyone of them. when I came to know my playboy image effecting my brother image So I asked Lavanya Kashyap to play the role of my gf front of media. I don't know how many of you trust my words When I say my heart never allow me To cross the values which my mom taught me."
"Thats why my heart always belongs to her, That girl with whom I crossed every limit, Hurting her with my every action. "Why all of the sudden I disclosing about her??", When I said her chapter end before 5 years. There is the reason for that too, there is reason for change in my nature. Because Every chapter end to open with new chapter."
"Her chapter again open with new fresh look in my life. I met her after long 5 years of break. First her look took my breath out. She changed from nerd girl to angel from heaven. "Is her changed look attracted me???." "is the question in your mind, right???." True, Her look attracted me first but that changed when she totally ignored me, She challenged my existence in her life. Her eyes show me the hate for me. Her every words had so many meaning in it."
"First,  I thought to make her remember her first love, that is me. Instead of making her fall for me, I fell in love with her." Along with his words, he start to move further .
"I saw, true beauty in her heart, She wrote her name on my heart. She is beauty with brain. She have her own lookout about her every relations. She mother like sister for her younger sister, Baby sister for elder brother and most important role she playing is loving mother. She made me look at the beautiful side of love. She made me reslize there is true love also. She made me realize my mistake and she proved me a looser. Looser in true love but now I don't want the title of looser any more."

" Everything changed in my life, when I met my 5 year old son, My son, My Krrish." Saying that Arnav kneel down front of Khushi, shocking every one presents there. 
"Today I am begging front of you, Khushi. My Sin doesn't have any justification, I know that but I can't live without you and my son. You can punish me but dont leave me." Slowly Khushi start move back but Arnav stopped her by holding her hand. But his hand dropped from her when he felt tight slap.
He looked at the source of slapping hand, which belongs to his mother. Khushi moved backward a little with shocked situation. Akash and Nikhil run towards near Arnav.
"I never thought, My son can step so low and destroy any one life." Aarthi shouted at her son.
"Khushi beta, I am sorry for everything my son did to you" Aarthi apologised front of Khushi.
Khushi looked at Aarthi then at Arnav, She looked at the tears on his eyes.

"Nikhil, ask every guests to move towards dinner. We will discuss everything inside the house. I don't want any more drama here. I promise you Khushi, everything will sort out. Come with me you all" Akash smartly control the situation. Nikhil and Aman control the guests. Jia and Kiran supported Khushi. Shyam took Krrish on his arms. Anjali supported Her mom  and Nani. Dadi and Aadrash looked angry at the situation.
****Inside Sheeshamahal***
"What you think Aru, You did great Job??" Akash shouted his brother.
"I am sorry Bhai, Today is your day and I messed up everything" Arnav apologises.
"Do you think I care about the function Damnit, I care about my family. Now more over I care about her. That girl with whom you played"
"I too care about her, I am asking sorry from long but she not ready to forgive me and today is last day she being with us. I don't had any choice other than disclosing everything" Arnav tried to explain but before he complete, he felt another slap, this time it was strongly felt. This time The person who slapped Arnav was Shyam.
Before shyam slap him once again Aakash stopped him.
"He deserve to be slapped, but now we have to concentrate on the matter rather than slapping and blaming" Aakash tried to control Shyam.

"What matter, my sister gone through so much because of him. Society insulted her being single mother. My little sister always scarifies her wishes for others. Her name is khushi but she never get any happiness in her life and adding to it your brother insulted her feeling. She fight against everyone for living. She closed the door of love because him. He changed my old Khushi to today's Khushi. Everything happened because of him. I don't want to stay here any more, Khushi Kiran lets go" Shyam shouted at him and tried to move.
"Noooo, I can't live without her" Arnav shouted.
"Shyam Ji, please. You can't change the fact, Krrish is Arnav's son.  You can't take them like that" Anjali open her mouth.
"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH " Khushi shouted top of her voice.
"Krrish is not Arnav's son and I am not that girl. Arnav is lieing all this, Please stop this drama Arnav. Its not gonna work at all" Khushi start to speak.
"Khushi, I know you are angry on me, but don't lie. You loved me then and you still love me, and don't dare to deny that fact" Arnav stand front of Khushi.
"I am not lieing. Its you, who is lieing here, you know that very well" Khushi replied.
"Then prove, all this are lie otherwise I will prove,  all this lie are the truth our life" Arnav murmured near Khushi.

WHATS GOING ON IS THE QUESTION..EVERYTHING CLEAR WITH NEXT TWO bonus..I am going to update one more part at end of the day....keep reading...

Love You

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