Part 56

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"So Mr. Arnav Singh Raziada, what was the reality behind the drama unknown to us" asked Aman covring Arnav along with Jia and Nikhil.

""The reality behind my drama always remain with me and Khushi only. Above all this what matter is she agreed to give me a second and last chance. And have to win this time any how" replied Arnav.
"Win??? is there any game going to take place between you two" asked confused Jia.
"Yes, the game of my life, I have to find that love for me which she hided somewhere in her heart with in these 7 days" informed Arnav.
"We will help you in this  Nanav. I am sure you will win" replied Nikhil.
"What you think its easy like  winning  any business deal for me??? Its not at all easy. Her circumstance made her so strong which not gonna melt her heart so easily. Her decision are always strong as her. Her broken heart not easily allow me to glue it back with love. I know, She gave me chance but her decision is not giving up in my love. So she will create so many wall above already presence one, between me and her broken heart. Right now the path direct towards her heart is filled with drakness and I am not able to walk ahead towards her heart,  And I am totally clueless how to take my first step.."
"If you are not able to see the direct path towards the aim, then take the indirect path But in your case indirect way also in dark" words come from behind them stopping Arnav in between his words.
Arnav and Aman looked at the figure with shock.
"What.. I meant..." Arnav tried to say something  but stopped by that person.
"What you Think Mr. Akadu Singh Raizada, there is only wall made by her, what about me raizada. do you think, I will let you hurt her again"Asked Kiran looking at shocked figures but her words made his eyes red.
"I also cared about my Khushi, because I truly  love her. I know Khushi will create problems in between the challenge for me in this 7 days and She have the right to do so and I will happily tackle it but other than her no one can stop me from reaching my dream, Destiny, my jhunoon and my love." replied Arnav in anger.

"So much confidence, Mr. Raizada. You are standing here with this much attitude, because of me, the reason of your second chance is me, Diary and that letter is with you because of me. Jia is helping you because of me, Nikhil came to know the truth because of me. Did you thought what happened if My di not come to attend the reception, your plan could have flopped there itself. She came here because of me and more over You came to know the truth about her because of Me.  If I wanted to stop you, then I could have done that with somple "No".  by the way, You are right the direct path to her heart is blocked but indirect way is opened for you Jiju" Kiran words end with a winks.
"Yes Arnav, Kiran is the person who have the right to take her di away from you if you hurt her again. Asked me to help you on the first day of my entry in Sheeshamahal after my word with you" Jia informed.
"You don't like me right, Kiran then why you are helping me   who had hurt your di" asked confused Arnav.
"True words but my di's happiness is residing with you, Raizada. Her happiness matter me above all, So gys I will let you know how to move forword before that I have word with ASR, so lets move Jiju" asked Kiran.

Arnav and Kiran move out from there to a isolated place**********

"You..... you... know every truth, which she hiding from you"
"Yes, I know I am an orphan but god gifted me my di and bhai. They are not less than any God for me. I came know about this when my Di was in Mumbai for her bachlors degree. Unfortunately I got the old records and file in store room of our orphanage. Among that one file belongs to my Khushi Di's details, after realizing Di's was single child of her parents question come up in my mind " who  I am??"  My question got answer when I got my details and Shyam bhai deatils on anothers files. I took the files with me and right now the files are with..."
"Me." replied Arnav, her lips curve into small smile and wipe of her tears.
"Our first meet at 'Rays of happiness' you was in shock with My Di's entry but I didn't get why so, I searched your details on Google where I came to know you both were in same college but Di never acknowledge that. When ever I behave rude with you she stopped me. I felt Something fishy so I purposely made you wear beast costume and giv her oversized coustme and made her chose beauty 's one over elsa. But nothing happened with it."
"On that party I came to knew the sin I committed" covered Arnav
"You supported my di against your family at kuldevi mandir and Your shocked face on the entry of Krrish give me hint of your feelings for my Di. that made two doubt arise in my mind. whether you both were in relationship and Krrish is your baby.? Do you remember you called Krrish school principal for the details of Krrish. And you get the details because I asked principal to give you the same. what you think its so easy to get details about happiness's son with one call in the name of ASR, don't forget if you are ASR, she is Happiness. After your call to principal, He called on my Di's number and call was attend by me that day unfortunately, I said ok to principal, because I wanted to confirm who us Krrish's dad"
"Thats why, that principal sent mail containing file of Krrish without denying" Arnav confirmed.
"Jia confronted you with painful truth of my di's life. I never thought my Di had painful past and you are the reason of that. That day, I realized Krrish is not my Di's Son and I always had doubt on the same because my Di scarifies her life for others, he is just like me, an orphan and my di give him a title. She become his mother but society slap her with the title of single mother. you broke her heart which made her mind so strong that help her to fight against the society and start to work in Di's dad's long closed sweet shop and now its name is "hunger stop". And second thing why my di is not agree to marry anyone because you broke her believe on love and trust" Kiran wipe her tears while saying.
"After knowing all this, you helped me"
"Before hand overing the diary, jia had flirt with you, because I wanted to know whether you have true feeling for my Di, And that day I saw jealously in my Di's eyes. All that firmed my decision. Her broken heart still loves you but fear covering those feelings. I messaged Jia to give you the diary and asked her to help. After that she started helping you and updating me with every details. what you think, you got file through bribing staff of my orphanage. Raizada they are appointed by my Di. that staff informed me about your offer and I was the one who asked her to hand over the file to you. The offered money is now with Nikhil so you can take back that. I thought you will blackmail with that information and make her confess her love but you end up with fake story drama. I am helping you because my Di's happiness lyes in you and another reason is Krrish gping to get father too and my happiness need little push towards her happiness" She ended her words with little smile.

"Thank you so much kid. I am not that bad" Arnav replied.
"I know, My Di's heart never fell in love with the bad person. You were used by your so called friend  chudil kashyab and so called ego but your heart was pure which my Di saw through your eyes and fall for you but you realized your love for her late."
"I was such a stupid and jerk"
"Now you to promise me 2 things"
"You will never disclose, my awareness about, I am being Orphan to my Di and second thing you will always considered Krrish as your real son, never ignore him. He will be your and Di's son always" Kiran requested.
"First thing, you have mother like sister who loves you and father like brother who protest you and baby nephew who is your crime partner and your stupid lover boy Nikhil and now your Jiju too. So how can you say you are orphan and second thing, Krrish is my son always because he give Khushi reason to live above her broken heart" saying that Arnav hugged the little girl who is true love angel. Angel in Khushi's life then and now in his life.

"So jiju, lets move, we have to plan for next move"

Love you

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