CANDOR || amor fati

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As soon as the lunch bell rang, you were immediately surrounded by your new classmates

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As soon as the lunch bell rang, you were immediately surrounded by your new classmates. You were caught by surprise by their happy faces and excited questions, most of them pertaining to your quirk and if you wanted to sit with them for lunch.

A certain curly head, however caught your attention during the whole thing. You could only stare.

You got anxious when you saw him get up to leave and quickly stood up. Your action made the teens around you pause. You bow to them. "I'm sorry! I can get back to your questions later. I have to do something."

You scurry away to catch up with the green head, leaving your classmates confused.

A certain blond noticed how fast you desperately tried to reach for the curly haired male, annoyed by the fact you didn't notice him. He always found you and your annoyingly, honest-self to be irritating, but he disliked the fact you noticed the other and not him. He clicked his tongue as Kirishima and Kaminari came to him excitedly, talking about you.

You followed the male quietly, knowing he wouldn't notice you. You were scared to reach out to him. Questions concerning if he remembered you filled your mind. You fiddled with your fingers and took a deep breath.


The male froze in his tracks, not turning to face you. You could see his hands twitch. He didn't say a word, much to your annoyance.

"Izuchan," you say again, this time with more confidence. "It's you, isn't it?"

Still, he did nothing.

Your eyes teared up a bit. You didn't understand why you wanted to cry. Maybe from the over stimulant of finally being back in school and finding your old, childhood friend. Unless it wasn't him.

"Are you not him? I'm sorry, I didn't realize it. You just look so much like him." You scratch the side of your head, kind of embarrassed now. What if you had just been hallucinating that it was Midoriya.

"(Nickname)," the male quietly whispers.

You perk up upon hearing that cute nickname Midoriya gave you.

The green haired male turns to you, tears in his own eyes as he gazed happily on you. "Is it you?"

You grin, nodding.

He purses his lips to fight back his wide smile and grasped you in his strong arms. He nuzzled the bridge of his nose in your neck as you hugged him back.

A feeling of relief washed through you as you let a tear go down your cheek.

Finally, reunited with someone you've been away from for years. It felt good.


After the reunion, you and Midoriya sit together at a lunch table. You both enjoy your lunch while rekindling your friendship that over the years had tore apart.

You found out Midoriya was indeed a late bloomer like you and that he can't control it well yet. His quirk dealt with super strength, or something along the lines of that. You did notice a huge difference in his composure and how he seemed to present himself.

You placed a hand on his bicep, your eyes widening. "Izuchan! Your muscles are amazing," you honestly say.

Midoriya blushes a looks away mumbling a thank you.

You realize what you said and look down bashfully. "I'm sorry."

Midoriya shook his head. "It's okay! I know how you are. You can't help yourself but to be... honest." He held his head as you let him go.

You chuckle. "My bad, really. I'm sorry if I say anything embarrassing."

"Deku? Abe-san?" A female voice calls, catching your attention. You look to the girl and see it was your classmate. She had big, brown eyes and rosy, round cheeks.

Next to her was a tall male with glasses. You tilted your head.

"Hey guys!" Midoriya greeted the two as they sat across from you both. "This is my childhood best friend, Abe (Y/n)."

"It's a pleasure to meet you! Welcome to U.A," she exclaims, holding her hand out. "I'm Uraraka Ochaco and this is Iida Tenya."

"Hello, it's nice to meet you, Abe-san."

You blink, staring at them for a minute. Midoriya looks at you then to his other friends. "You're really cute, Uraraka-chan. Almost like a bunny," You suddenly compliment the girl without thinking, giving her a close-eyed smile as you grab her hand. You shake it softly.

Your sudden statement catches the two off guard and Uraraka blushes. "O-Oh! Thank you!" She smiles back, rubbing her neck as you let go.

You facepalm as a small blush tints your cheeks. "Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bluntly say that to you."

"It's fine! It just caught me off guard."

Midoriya chuckles. "(Nickname)'s quirk forces her to be as honest as possible which also makes her say things that comes to her mind."

"Yeah, it's kind of hard to not say what I'm thinking, or say something that's not true." You take a bite of your food.

Iida hums. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your quirk exactly?"

You blink, knowing that the question would arise. Midoriya was even interested to hear it since you hadn't talked about it in explanation. "Well, my parents called it the Lunar Mind Quirk."

"'Lunar Mind'?" The three repeat.

You sip your drink, nodding. You tuck some hair behind your ear and play with the end of your ponytail. "Yes. They call it that because my quirk allows me to be silent when attacking enemies and read minds. However, I don't use my quirk to read minds often because I didn't really have great experiences with it. The side effects of my quirk is that I always have to speak the truth, and I get headaches and pass out if I use too much energy."

Midoriya's eyes sparkled in interest as he listened, taking out a familiar journal and pen. "That's so cool!"

Uraraka exclaims, "Abe-san, you must be so strong!"

"I agree," Iida adds.

You tap your cheek with an embarrassed smile. "I mean, I don't think it's all that."

"You should really show us one day, (Nickname)." Midoriya grinned.

You purse your lips and look to the side. "Maybe~" You reply, stretching the 'may'.

Across the cafeteria, Sero and Kaminari can't help but stare at you as they talked about you being in their class.

"She's so freaking pretty!"

Sero nods his head in agreement. "For sure! She has a foreign feel to her, ya know?"

Kaminari holds his chin as you tighten your ponytail, feeling your ribbon. "You think she's half Japanese?"

"I think she is," Ashido jumps in, sipping her juice. The two boys turn to her. "Her eyes have a more almond look to them and they seem a little bigger."

"And her hair! It's is so long," Kaminari exclaims. "Do you think she's been growing it out since primary school?"

"Maybe," Ashido responds, leaning back against Kirishima. "I wouldn't be surprised."

"So manly," the red head comments, a little tear in his eye as he clenches his fist.

Sero sweatdrops as Ashido laughs. "She's not a guy, but okay man."

Bakugou grits his teeth next to Kirishima, scoffing as he looks away from the table. He scolds the long, (h/c) haired girl and taps his finger on the table. "..."

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