CANDOR || fly

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This is kind of a little filler. I'm sorry if it's not what you expect :(

My arms were spread on the side of me while I stared at the ribbon tied to my wrist

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My arms were spread on the side of me while I stared at the ribbon tied to my wrist. How long has it been since we settled down and laid in our futons? I don't even know. It feels like time is passing faster just laying here.

There is no way to sleep.

I sit up, pushing my hair from my face. I've heard many stories about hot springs and how they supplied yukatas for guests. At least for the most part they did. To be honest, I was excited to try one on, but my expectations were shot down when the girls didn't put theirs on. That's when they told me that it wasn't necessary to wear it if you brought your own night clothes.

I sulked the whole way back to our room. I hadn't even thought of it and brought my night clothes with me to the bath.

As a kid, I remember my mom used to dress me in a yukata. We both wore one and would travel to the highest hill we knew and watched the summertime firework displays the town would put on. Those were the best times of the year. My father even came a few times, but when he couldn't, he was stuck either doing paperwork or on a mission.

I smiled grimly at the thought of not being with my mom when summer break comes. I could only imagine what job Dad would have to do, leaving me to myself. Maybe Kazue will join me.

I stared out the window and walked up to it, pressing my forehead to the glass. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. When I open them, I see a light flashing in the distance. It would fade from a glow to nothing.

"Hm." I step carefully around my classmates and head outside. Once outside, I feel a shiver go down my back from the chilly breeze.

Across I could see the single light slowly flicker off and on. It shone a lime green and I couldn't help but be drawn to it. I got closer to where the light was and watched as it flew to eye-level. I smiled sadly at what was a firefly.

Fireflies were always my parents' favorite insect. As a kid, they'd take me to a grassy land far from the city and we'd walk until we saw them. I had always wondered what it would like to live as one. Our world is is similar to theirs yet so much different. Without a care in the world, I could fly to many places. But it would honestly be a scary experience.

"What the hell are you doing up?"

"Hello to you too, Baku-chan." I chuckled, a small blush on my cheeks. I bless it being dark. As soon as I set foot out the girls' room, I felt someone following me. I was familiar with their presence so I continued to do me. "Wanna join me?"

I turned to see the boy walk to my side, his hands stuffed in his pockets. He had on a neutral expression and he wore inside slippers. A firefly flew close in front of his eyes, making him flinch. I laughed as he tried to swat it. "Why are you out here, huh?"

"Couldn't sleep," I reply, looking forward. I stared at the fireflies and reached a hand out for the one coming close to me. It landed on my finger. "Say, wanna go for a walk?"

"Ha?" Bakugou scowled at me. "We gotta wake up early, dammit. We ain't got time for walking."

"It'll be fine!" I exclaimed and began to march ahead. "Onward, Baku-chan!"

"Shut up, you lousy Abe. You're too loud," he called, following me anyway.

It was quiet as we went further from the building, the group of fireflies growing tremendously. They swarmed us peacefully and moved out of our way.

Bakugou walked slightly ahead of me, not that I minded. I gave me the chance to take in his face in the moonlight and lime-green light. Seeing him in this light is a different experience. He looked much more attractive then usual. I shake my head to rid my weird thoughts. This was Bakugou I was thinking about. There's nothing different. Right?

No, that wasn't it.

He looked relaxed, and I noticed that these days he was a lot more calmer. At least when I was around that's how he was. His eyes were still hostile and proud, but if you look closer, you could see the tranquility in them. That's why looks more attractive. He's not always angry as he used to be.

I could feel a small smile creep up and I hold my cheeks. I could feel the heat radiating from them. I purse my lips and shyly look up, only to meet him glance at me. The heat from my cheeks traveled through my body and I felt hot. The butterflies went crazy in my stomach.

I yelped as I suddenly tripped and fell on my face.

Great, just great. Way to go, (y/n). Perfect timing. I groaned as I tolled my eyes, dusting off my arms. "Way to embarrass yourself, dumbass."

"The fuck you called me?!"

"I didn't call you shit!" I exclaimed at the misunderstanding, fixing my hair. "I was talking to myself, obviously."

"That's what I thought," he said, snickering. He crossed his arms and squatted to my level. "You plan to stay down there?"

I cross my arms and turn my head from him. He didn't even ask if I was okay. "Maybe I am. Problem?"

In the corner of my eye, I see him grit his teeth. He was definitely ticked. "What's with the damn attitude, huh?! You were the one who wanted to walk!"

"Oh, shush! You were the one who decided to come along. Don't complain now!"

"I'll complain if I wanna!"

"God!" I took a deep breath and let my head drop a little. "You're lucky I like you.."


I abruptly turn to him, blushing. "What?"

Bakugou's eyebrow rose in confusion, his annoyed scold slowly disappearing. He looked genuinely bewildered at this point. "Can you say that again?"

I gulped, my eyes widening. I just dug my grave. "Yes and no."

"What kinda answer is that?"

"My answer."

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