CANDOR || let go

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Sad how I don't have a set schedule.

But hey, thank you all for the votes ^^ I'm glad that you guys enjoy Candor!

And I know, it's moving slow. I'm literally just going with the flow here and trying to find the right vibe for you here ('ω) I'm sorry

 I'm literally just going with the flow here and trying to find the right vibe for you here ('・ω・) I'm sorry

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Bakugou stayed with me until I calmed down. It was surprising how gentle he could be when he wanted to.

I didn't eat the lunch during break. After my scene, I lost all my appetite for the day. I felt that if I did eat, I would throw up. I stuck with drinking a lot of water as a substitute.

Now I walk with Uraraka and Asui as we make our way to the changing room. Word from Kaminari and Mineta, we apparently had to dress in cheer the outfits the American cheerleaders were wearing. This didn't seem legit to me being that the Sports Festival was a live broadcast and children were watching.

Yaoyorozu hands me an outfit and I stare at it. There was no way I was going to go out in public showing that much skin.

I sigh and put the outfit on anyway, but only the top. I kept my gym pants on and I zip my jacket over the cropped shirt.

Not long after, the rest of the girls and I make our way to the field as Mic was doing his commentary like usual.

As soon as we got in the clearing, all eyes were on us. Mic questioned what was going on as the girls' faces dropped. I cough into my fist awkwardly, playing with my ribbon.

"Kaminari! Mineta! You tricked us, didn't you?!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed. She fell to her knees and I crouched next to her, trying to sooth the sulking girl. "Why am I always caught up in their schemes? I even used Creation to make these."

"Don't mind~"

"Easy for you to say, Abe," she cried playfully. "You aren't even wearing the outfit."

I tilt my head. "I beg to differ." I unzip my pe jacket to reveal her masterpiece. "Though, I didn't wear the skirt."


"The last round is a tournament where we fight one-on-one, huh?" I glance at Kirishima as he eyes light up. "I'm gonna stand on the stage that I watch every year on TV!"

"Was it a tournament last year?" Ashido asked.

"It's different every year, but there's always a one-on-one battle at the end," Sero responds.

I purse my lips, nervous of who I might have to fight today. I can't help but feel I may not do good. Ever since my mother called, I'm constantly spacing out.

"Now, let's draw lots to determine the bracket," Midnight announces as she holds a yellow box in her hands. "Once the bracket is determined, we'll have the recreational games and then start!"

I sigh, remembering the video my father showed years ago. It was the Sports Festival from when he was a first year. Grandma recorded it because she was so proud of her son and gave him his own copy of it.

Father always came out in fourth place. What a coincidentally since he is currently number four in Japan.

A tug on my jacket pulls my attention. I look behind me and see the boy from the cavalry battle. We move to stand between my class and his.

"I-I know that I'm probably being a bother right now, but I need advice." I nod to signal him to continue. "My name is Shoda Nirengeki. I've been thinking about this since the beginning of the lunch break, and I believe I'm not worthy to continue in the battle."

He caught me completely off guard with his statement. I wasn't expecting this. "Why? Isn't this your chance to show off your skills?"

Shoda looks down sadly, his fists clenched. "It is, but I can't remember anything that happened in the cavalry battle. Everyone is trying their hardest and yet I was unable to move in the second round."

"So you're basically asking me what you should do?" He nods, looking up. "Well, for one, that's brave of you to even think that way. You could be selfish and take it to your advantage, but instead, you're willing to give it up truthfully. Secondly, that decision is solely on you. If you truly want to go through with it, I say do it."

"I know I apologized before, but I'm sorry again. I was aware of everything that was going on and I didn't do anything to break you out of the trance." I look away shamefully. "Maybe I should drop out too.." I mumble.

"No," He says with a smile. "I forgive you. It's not like you really could have done anything to stop him. His quirk is really powerful. You should stay in, for my sake."

I purse my lips. Shoda is making me feel guilty with that sad look of his. I don't want it to be unfair to him.

"Don't quit. See this through all the way. I mean, you did help get those points I'm sure. Don't let that go to waste."

After a moment, I comply. "Okay..."

"By the way, what's with the cheer outfit?"

I look down and notice my jacket was still unzipped. "Oh. A couple of classmates of mine played a prank on the girls." I chuckle sheepishly.

Shoda tilts his head. "Not very hero-like."

"Yeah, but it's whatever. They do it sometimes."

Shoda smiles before calls out when Midnight finishes, raising his hand to be seen.
"Um.. excuse me," He catches the pro hero's attention and everyone turns to him, "I would like to withdraw."

I step next to Ashido as Shoda explains his situation to Midnight. The pro hero listens intently before accepting his withdraw, mentioning how she liked his 'youthful talk'.

In the end, Tetsutestu from Class 1-B replaces Shoda's place and the results from the lots are revealed on the screen.

I read over the battles and gulp when I reach a certain one. It was Uraraka against Bakugou. My heel taps the ground as I think of all the scenarios of how that battle will turn out. I know for a fact Bakugou will not go easy on her. From experience, I can easily say she might get the crap beat out of her. But Uraraka is a strong girl. I'm sure she'll be able to hold up just fine.

I'm in the same bracket with Bakugou. My opponent,

"Oh shit." I reread to the first battle and realize Midoriya against that brainwasher kid. I quickly look around to find my friend to warn him and see he's already with him.

"Look forward to the match."

I glare and slap my hand over Midoriya's mouth. Shinso smirks and walks away.

I let go of his mouth and sigh. "That was close."

"What's the matter?" Midoriya asks, confused.

"You shouldn't answer him," I reply. "That guy has a powerful quirk."


I wave my hand in dismissal. "Nothing. Just don't answer to him, okay? His quirk-"


I blink, turning around to see Bakugou glaring my direction. I place a hand on my hip and tilt my head at him. "How can I help you, sir~?"

Bakugou growled, making me chuckle. "Raccoon eyes is asking for you."

I roll my eyes, nodding. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"

Midoriya nods, smiling. "Okay!"

I wave to him and make my way to Bakugou. When I reach him, I cross my arms. "If you wanted to talk to me, you could've just asked instead of making up that excuse."

"Shut up!"

Candor || bakugou katsukiWhere stories live. Discover now