82. Coming Out pt. IV

185 21 13

I thought I should just update everyone:
I finally did it, I officially came out to my parents a couple weeks ago. (I told them about my girlfriend as well).
Granted, it was incredibly awkward and odd the entire time... but now that it's over-with it's as though I have a weight lifted off my chest.
Although I should probably save the gay type jokes for a little later on...
It went super well, as I knew it would. They were as supportive as parents could be and tried their hardest to not say anything wrong and it was super sweet.
(My dad said: "to be honest, I thought you were a lesbian", it was kind of funny).
anyway, I'm very happy that I have done it, I have told everyone close to me and it just feels awesome.
I know not everyone is fortunate enough to have such a good coming out story and I feel so so lucky for this.
I wish all of you, who need to, an amazing coming out and supportive parents, family, friends and peers.

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