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yukhei lightly tapped the boy's cheeks until he opened his eyes. he let out a little whimper and tried to move off of yukhei's chest.

failing in doing so, yukhei grabbed his blanket and wrapped it around the boy that wasn't wearing anything. the boy hugged the blanket tightly over himself, sticking out just his face, "p-please don't hurt me"

"why would i hurt you?" yukhei asked. the boy pulled the blanket down a little to reveal a pair of fluffy white ears above his head.

yukhei stood mesmerized, the boy was cute, very cute. he had fluffy blonde hair and large eyes, yukhei went in his closet and pulled out a large hoodie and slipped it on the boy's body.

he also gave the other boxers to wear, unsure if they'd fit because of the boy's small frame. the boy finished putting it on and stared back at yukhei, "a-are you my owner?" he asked.

yukhei shrugged and stood up, "my parents got me a cat as a gift. i guess you weren't really a cat"

the boy stood up with yukhei, him being a lot smaller than yukhei by a lot of inches. "i-i am a cat" he said, "but i'm human too"

yukhei was unable to process the situation. his cat was a short boy? he was lowkey disappointed in his gift, but he knew he couldn't get rid of him. he looked like a little kid.

"whatever, just stay in here. i have something to do" yukhei told the boy and opened the door to his room.

"wait!" the short boy yelled and waddled to yukhei, "don't you want to know my name?"

yukhei shrugged again, "not really, but you're gonna tell me anyways, aren't you?"

the boy nodded and gave a cute smile, "i'm mark!"

"yukhei" he told the boy and shut the door in his face. sure he didn't have to be that mean, but maybe his parents should've done a better job in gifts.

"hey mom, i need to talk to you about that little gift of yours" yukhei said.

his mom looked up from the book she was reading and gave her son a warming smile. "did you not like your pet?"

yukhei shook his head and sighed, "i don't know how to explain this, but wherever you got that kitten from, please ask the person for more details about mark"

his mom was ready to asked about this mark person, but yukhei had disappeared. instead of chasing after her son, she called the pet store from the phone number on the website.

"this is moony's pet shop. what can I help you with?"

"my son told me to ask you about more details on this mark?"

the line was quiet for a second before the manager spoke, "tell your son to search up the word 'hybrid' because your kitten isn't any ordianary kitten. though I'm pretty sure your son just found out"

"what do you mean not ordinary?"

"just search up animal hybrids. then everything will make more sense"

the line disconnected, yukhei's mom searching up the words the manager has spoken and her eyes widened at the search results.


yukhei had stood behind her, staring at the image results as well. "i'm not going to throw him away, but I would like a request from you" he asked his mom.

"yes sweetie?"

yukhei gave a smile and plopped himself on the couch with his mom. "can I get an apartment?"

his mom noticed to innocent look her son gave and sighed, "on one condition Yukhei"

yukhei leaned in, willing to accept anything that would be thrown at him.

"take the hybrid and take care of him because i know you, and you were think of leaving the poor thing here"

"sure, whatever, i'll keep him" yukhei said with an eye roll and stayed with his mom to finalize the plans for their new living arrangements.

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