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taeyong unlocked the door for mark and him and they entered to see the lights on and shuffling in the back. taeyong turned on his phone again to see a bunch of unread messages from yukhei and let out a sigh.

"c'mon Mark, it's just yukhei. let's go and say hi"

mark ran to his door and knocked on it a bunch of times. "yukkie, open the door! it's mark and yongie"

the door cracked opened to see yukhei, for a second, his eyes were soft and warming, but it quickly changed into his regular fierce eyes. "mark, can I talk to taeyong for a second?❞

"okie! i'll go get him" he said and pulled taeyong to the door, going into his room after.

yukhei let him enter and the two sat om the bed together. "what do you want yukhei? i know what you've been doing since you two meet and i-"

"he doesn't love me" yukhei said quietly his voice quivering with every word. taeyong looked next to him and saw the boy's eyes brimmed with tears.

"yukhei, who doesn't love you? mark? jungwoo?"

"no one does" he said, yukhei started wiping some tears that were falling, "everyone likes the lucas part, but yukhei is no one to them. i am no one"

taeyong sighed and held the boy in his arms, "i wish you were smaller like when you were a first year, when you used to always cry in my arms, but lucas is the confindent side of you that everyone loves why don't you think people would like the soft yukhei"

"lucas is just a nickname jungwoo gave me when we met, he told me that as yukhei I was too soft" he mumbled.

"the next year is coming up, your final year, why can't you express ess your real self? you met all of us as yukhei, did anything change between us and the others?"

yukhei shook his head and looked down at the floor, "but jungwoo did and-"

"if he doesn't like you as yukhei why are you still with him?"

"i'm not, he doesn't want to be with me" he cried.

taeyong smiled softly, "then find someone who does" he stood to his feet and hugged yukhei once more, "don't worry, we'll figure it out. for now, mark's waiting for you"

yukhei wiped his tears and stood up too, "i'll talk to him, thank you taeyong"

"of course" he replied and left the room.

yukhei heard the front door outside shut and he went to mark's room, knocking quietly on the wood.

mark opened it and stared at yukhei's teary eyes. "yukkie, did something happen?" mark asked.

yukhei let out a sniff, "relationship problems, can I come in?"

yukhei shuffled in and plopped himself down, "mark, can we restart?"

mark looked at no longer fierce eyes, but shy eyes that reminded mark of himself. "restart? restart what?"

"i wasn't acting like me, it's a little complicated, but taeyong wanted me to act more like myself and i'm sorry for how i treated you, mark"

yukhei's eyes had a sparkle as he showed a cute smile. mark couldn't speak, his smile was perfect.

the boy noticed mark's stares and looked away feeling his face getting hotter.

"yukkie, you have a pretty smile" mark giggled.

"yukkie..." yukhei mumbled, he looked past mark and saw the plushies all stacked in the cornee, "why are my plushies here?" he asked.

mark shrugged and handed the lion that was on the nightstand. "i don't know, but mr. lion is my favorite"

"mr. lion looks like you" he said, two large doe eyes and an adorable face, both traits that seemed to fit mark pretty well.

"then he's my twinnie" he told yukhei, "oh and yukkie! we have ice cream!"

yukhei looked over at the boy running out of the room and waited till he finally came running back with a bucket of ice cream and two spoons.

"taeyong left it out with a paper on it" mark said and handed the paper to yukhei.

'enjoy' was written on the paper with a huge smile and a 'ty track' at the bottom of it.

yukhei only snorted and put the paper away, "it was just taeyong-"

mark had a spoonful of ice cream and some on the side of his mouth. yukhei burted out into a fit of giggles that made mark laugh along.

but mark couldn't stop thinking about yukhei. how could someone so tough be so soft, he even had a cute laugh. his heart skipped a beat everytime another giggle was let out.

and he loved it.

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