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"are we there yet?" mark whined.

yukhei had covered his eyes as they walked back to their home. finally arriving at the door steps, yukhei opened the door and removed his hands from mark's eyes.


the lights flashed on and in front of him were all his friends and a huge banner that says 'happy birthday'.

"you guys..." mark said quietly, "how did you do all this?"

yukhei has ran off and quickly came back with a lit birthday cake with a lion figurine on it. "happy birthday mark" yukhei said, holding out the cake in front of him.


the small blew out the candles and gave a small smile, yukhei placing the cake down to go to mark.

"how'd you know it was my birthday?" mark asked.

yukhei smiled brightly and pointed at taeyong, who was cutting the cake, "he helped me plan this out"

mark opened his arms and hugged yukhei tightly, "yukkie, i love it"

yukhei looked down at him and ruffled mark's hair. "you better, i work hard for you markie" he said and lifted the boy up, "i love you" he mumbled.

mark stared at him with sparkling eyes, "do you really?"

"of course, if it wasn't for you. i never would've found myself. thank you for unintentionally being the most amazing person in the universe. also markie" yukhei said shyly, "can i kiss you?"

mark and yukhei stared at each other with red cheeks. "you c-can" mark stuttered. yukhei leaned and pressed his lips against mark's slowly, the white fluffy ears on mark's head perked up as mark pulled yukhei closer.

a scream was heard making the two pull away. it was taeyong squealing uncontrollably while the rest of their friends seemed unbothered.

renjun looked at taeyong and dragged him away with the rest of his friends to leave mark and yukhei alone.

mark looked up at yukhei with pink cheeks. "are going to be together?" mark asked quietly. yukhei nodded while ruffling mark's hair, "that is if you want to be my boyfriend"

mark smiled softly, "how could i so no?"

"wong yukhei" a projected voice said.

yukhei went up the stage where he was handed his diploma, being careful not to trip on his gown.

after him, the final names were called and all the graduates stood up.

"congratulations, you've all officially graduated neo high" their principal, mr. kim said with a smile.

the students started leaving in different directions, but yukhei only headed toward mark where he saw the diploma that the shorter was holding.

"we actually graduated" yukhei said.

mark gave a quick peck on yukhei's lips and smiled, "i didn't expect any less"

"at least we'll be in the same college, i just hope college doesn't affect us"

"it won't" mark assured, "after all, i love you way too much to let anything like that happen"

yukhei grabbed his hands firmly and stared into mark's doe eyes, "thank goodness my parents picked out a hybrid kitten. if they didn't i wouldn't have met the love of my life, mark lee"

"well i'm lucky you became my owner" mark joked back.

yukhei reached out and petted mark's fluffy ears with a smile plastered on his face.

"not owner, boyfriend"


𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐅𝐓 ー lumarkWhere stories live. Discover now