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"good morning yukkie"

yukhei looked up to see the hybrid boy that had a huge smile on his face. "mark? what time is it?"

"i don't know, but that weird device thingy has yongie's name flashing on the screen" mark said pointing the phone that was vibrating.

yukhei grabbed it and answered the call taeyong was trying to send.

"tae, are you okay?"

"the real question is: are you because it took you like 20 times before you even picked this phone up!"

"i was asleep and mark doesn't know how to use a phone so"

"excuse me? did you just tell me that my baby doesn't have a phone!"

"yes and I thought I was your baby!"

"you have that fat kun guy. anyways, we should get him a phone, you never know what can happen"

"sure? I mean-"

"great! meet me at the mall in 30, bye"

yukhei put his phome down and saw mark staring at him with his tail wagging and his eyes shining.

"i swear i'm not a dog, yukkie, but that device thingy is so cool!" mark said, completely astonished by the phone.

yukhei got up out of the bed and ruffled mark's hair. "then get dressed because you're about to get one of your own"

as yukhei left the room, he took one quick look back and saw a huge smile on mark's face. that smile soon meant everything to him.

"i actually got one, yukkie teach me how to use it!" mark said as he, taeyong, and yukhei went to food court to get something, mark flashing his new phone everywhere.

taeyong looked over at the place that looked like a burger place and signalled Yukhei, "i'll order, you and mark should go find a seat"

yukhei had found one of those seats with the high chairs and he and mark ran to them, swinging their legs in the air.

"yukkie look, i know how to call now!" mark said happily, his screen showing yukhei's number, but the screen name saying 'yukkie 💞'.

yukhei took out his phone and saw mark's unknown number on the screen. he quickly named it a contact and named mark's contact 'markie 💞'.

"yukkie" mark said shocked, "our screen names match"

pretending it wasn't intentional, yukhei made a shocked face, "wow, aren't we amazing"

"you are"

yukhei turned pink and playfully hit his arm, "stop getting confident" he whined.

mark sent a light hit back and giggled, "only if you stop acting cute"

they were so caught up in the moment when taeyong slammed the trays with burgers, the two almost fell out of their chairs. "we all know you two are cute, but food comes first in my household"

taeyong sat to the side of mark and began to eat his burger while yukhei showed mark how to eat one. his hands helping mark's to show the boy where to put his hands.

yukhei brushed off the skinship and removed them as soon as he was finished, "take a bite, markie"

mark wolfed it down as jumped onto yukhei, hugging the life out of him. "i love it!" he said happily.

yukhei took a bite of his own and looked over at taeyong to see him talking to a way too familiar guy. he recognized that light blonde hair anywhere and quickly looked back at mark. "it is really good" yukhei responded.

mark felt a small tap on his back and turned around to see a guy with a lighter shade of blonde than him.

"woo don't, not now-" taeyong tried to say but was cut off with the boy glaring at mark.
"who are you and why are you being so clingy to my boyfriend?" he growled.

mark tilted his head cutely and stood there confused, "what do you mean?"

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