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after his strange dream, yukhei couldn't sleep. he felt confused, and practically questioned everything he just remembered.

how did yukhei even manage to fall for someone like jungwoo, oh right, he seemed nice. as he got to know the real jungwoo, the old feelings of love seemed to drift father and farther away.

maybe he doesn't want to fix things with jungwoo. and it's not like he didn't have someone who kept him distracted.

yukhei turned to face mark and saw the boy curled up in a blanket. the boy felt his face heat up and he looked away.

he looked once more and saw the boy shifting towards yukhei.

mark and yukhei's skin touched for a split second and yukhei was dying, his heart was racing and he tried to control his red face. mark on the other hand, touched yukhei for a second and soon wrapped his arms around the larger male and leaned in closer.

yukhei faced the opposite way mark was and shut his eyes as mark purred softly in his sleep, cuddling yukhei like a pillow.

unlike mark, yukhei was new to the whole skinship thing. the only thing jungwoo had ever cared about was the boy lips, but he never payed attention to when the boy didn't want it.

yukhei suddenly started crying.

he let out what he'd been holding inside for three long years, the feeling of being constantly used.

"yukkie?" a soft voice said.

yukhei wiped his eyes quickly and turned around to see mark rubbing his eyes opened. "why are you sad?" mark asked.

"because i was stupid enough to fall for someone who wanted nothing to do with me" yukhei smacked his face on the pillow and let out a small whimper.

mark's fluffy eyes fell to the side as he tried to lift yukhei up. "stop putting yourself down" mark whined, "i may not know a lot about a supermark or ice cream, but i know what it feels like to feel used, betrayed. but yukkie, i'm here with you, and i'm happy, smiling"

yukhei lifted his head up and suddenly mark and him locked eyes, he saw mark's sparkling eyes and smiled. "i didn't know you were that wise markie"

yukhei quickly realized what he said and looked away again. mark giggled and directed yukhei's head to face mark, "you're cute, yukkie. i like the name, but yours is better"

the larger went red, thank god for darkness, and whined, "how dare you markie" yukhei pouted.

mark let out a squeal and jumped onto yukhei, squeezing the life out of him. "stop being cute yukkie or my title will be stolen by you" he huffed.

the two laid at the center of the bed where yukhei had been playing with the soft fluffiness that is mark's blonde hair.

"yukkie, i really do think we can forget about how we first met. i want us to be friends"

"i know" yukhei said quietly, "i think we could become friends"

not hearing a response, yukhei looked down and say mark sleeping, tiny purring filling yukhei's ears.

"good night, markie"


(a/n) rip mark's beautiful blonde hair that i adore so much :(

i waited almost two years for that

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