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"what type of cake would he like?" taeyong asked.

yukhei thought for a second before saying 'lion themed'. "you know since he really loves lions, i'm sure he'd like that"

taeyong punched his arm playfully and smiled, "well you know him best. so do you have plans for your date yet?"

yukhei finished putting on his black hoodie and looked up at taeyong. "just some shopping, i'll figure it out along the way" yukhei told him.

taeyong stared at yukhei's all black outfit and giggled, "who are you trying to impress?"

"mark lee, idiot" yukhei said bluntly, "now if you'll excuse me, i have a date"

the boy marched out the door and went to the living room where mark already was. mark and yukhei locked eyes and stared at each other's outfits.

"nice outfit, yukkie" mark said with a soft smile.

"i could say the same to you" yukhei answered, pointing at the all black outfit the other wore, only it was a black t-shirt instead of a hoodie.

taeyong walked in and stared at the two, "why don't you guys go already" he said, pointing at the door. yukhei rolled his eyes and grabbed mark's hand. "are you ready?" he asked quietly.

"only if you are"

mark looked at the familiar large building and looked at yukhei, "the mall?"

yukhei smiled to himself and led him in, going directly to the escalator that led to the top floor. "there's a store i wanted to take you too" he told mark, "i wanted to last time but jungwoo..."

yukhei dragged mark to the right end of the mall where a small store was, right in the corner. mark's eyes brightened as he read the store sign, "a plushie shop!" he squealed.

mark soon ran off into the shop, leaving yukhei to go hunt for him. it wasn't hard though, he quickly found the lion section and saw mark staring at the different ones.

"yukkie, can we get one so mr. lion won't be alone?" mark asked. yukhei nodded, "mr. lion would like that"

mark looked at all the different sizes before picking a medium size one with large black eyes and a tanned fur coat.

"i think this one is cute. what do you think yukkie?"

yukhei took the plushie in his hands and looked at it carefully before handing it back to the smaller. "i think it's perfect. let's go buy it" yukhei said.

they carefully put the lion down and paid quickly so they could leave. mark picked it out of the bag the cashier packaged it in.

"what are you gonna name it?" yukhei asked to the boy that was hugging the lion in his arms.

mark thought for a moment, before giggling, "mr. lion jr" he responded.

yukhei snorted and quickly looked away to avoid the glares mark gave. "i'm sorry markie, i assume that you aren't the best at naming-"

"mr. lion jr said he'll attack you in your sleep if you insult his name" mark said innocently.

yukhei patted the lion's head, "what can i do for you to make it up mr. lion jr?"

"he said he wants to get his brother"

and that's how yukhei ended up buying mr. lion the third.

after hours of shopping, the sun was finally setting and mark and yukhei decided to leave.

yukhei took mark's hand again, "was it bad? the date i mean" yukhei asked softly.

mark shook his head, "it was fun" he said, his cheeks burning red, "i hope we do it again sometime"

yukhei looked over with a smirk, "you'd go on more dates with me?"

"of course! is it that hard to see what i'm trying to tell you?"

yukhei moved closer with that smirk plastered on his face. "i don't know. what are you trying to tell me?"

"that i like you!" mark shouted, then quickly covering his mouth and looking away. yukhei looked at him with a small smile, pulling mark back to face him, "i like you too"


"now let's go home" yukhei said excitedly, "i have one more suprise for you"

mark stayed quiet, only giving a small nod before quickly following yukhei back to their home.

𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐅𝐓 ー lumarkWhere stories live. Discover now