Chapter 1: It's not like I like her

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Another day another dollar. Hah, as if.  

Despite having a bad day at least I have this place where I can at least have a little bit of me time. Well...hopefully.

I sighed as I opened the clubroom door. And there I immediately spotted the brown haired- green eyed president of this club in her usual uniform. I mean duh, we all have the same uniform since we are studying in the same school. But honestly, the obvious difference between us is that she looks stunning in hers while I look like a rolled up rug due to how crumpled my uniform is, yes I know who to blame thank you very much.

But hey, at least I made a bit of effort with my hair this morning. I mean I always tie them to my usual pigtails together with this hair clip. It always take longer for me to fix them, a huge time consuming per say. So I suppose I'll just be proud of this tiny bit of effort I did for myself nonetheless.

However, looking back at the president's ponytail- that's tied up with a white ribbon bow, of course I look nowhere as good as she is. Her brown hair is mid waist long, I wonder how long she's spending to brush it due to how good it looks, I wonder what kind of conditioner she use, hmm. Oh well, what do you expect from the so called "Ms. Popular", am I right? And there I sighed once more.

I noticed she's not alone in the clubroom, and they seemed to haven't noticed my presence yet, rude. The president's sitting in the middle of the room with her eyes locked to what it appears to be a magazine. Sitting next to her is another club member. She has a short coral hair, bright blue eyes, and that thing on top of her head that she always have, a red bow. I don't wanna get into further more details about these two anymore so I closed the door, a little too much causing them to flinch a bit.

Oops, startling them wasn't my intention but at least I got their attention. Well they're getting too comfortable anyway. "Natsuki!", suddenly I found myself being crushed in the arms of my the coral haired girl- who happens to be my best friend.

"Damn Sayori", I unknowingly rolled my eyes as I mumbled. I always wonder where she get all this energy from.

"You're 12 minutes late, where were you?", she took a step back as the president started approaching us. "I had to stop by and pick this up", I almost forgot I had this box filled with treats with me. I swear I saw Sayori's eyes glimmering right after she snatched it from me.

"Sayori can't you wai-"

"Cupcakes!", she exclaimed before taking one out then took a big bite from it without hesitation. The girl's lucky she's my best friend, plus I'm used to her snatching treats from me whenever she got the chance anyway.  But even if she already done this a lot it still irritated me.

Sayori started licking the frosting off before popping the huge chunk in her mouth, wow. This caused me to do the eye roll again

I heard a chuckle- and it came from none other than the president, "Now that you're here, it's time to share some poems!", she smiled cheekily before making her way to the front of the classroom, Sayori followed after her while taking another cupcake out and ate it. I should've doubled the batch if I've known Sayori any better, which I do. I have a feeling she's gonna finish the whole thing by herself! Unbelievable.

My eyes wander around the room for a bit. Nothing new here, just the plain and boring wall, the typical empty drawers, chairs, tables, a person sitting at a corner- wait what?

I'm still human and of course I was curious and..well confused to why that person didn't acknowledge my presence the moment I stepped in unlike Sayori and Monika. 'Pff who do you think you are that you'd expect anyone to notice your existence?' Ugh, shut up inner me.

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