Chapter 30: Island (Part 3); The Distance

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Yuri's POV

"Aw come on Natsuki, it won't do you any harm", I grab her wrist then pulled her closer towards me. I can feel her whole body shaking, making me chuckle. "I-I don't think I s-should do t-this", she stuttered. She looks so scared, "I'm right here with you okay? There's nothing to be scared of", I smiled.

She gulped, "A-are you sure it's okay? W-what if it's gonna hurt and-", I wrapped my arms around her waist, "Trust me, how about we count to three yeah?", she thought for a while, "O-okay", she took a deep breath. I smirked, excited than ever.

I've always wanted her to try this ever since we arrived.

"One..", her arms are shaking, so I held her tightly by her waist to keep her body from doing any possible retreat, we've come up to this point already, I won't allow her to back down now.

"Two..", I took a hold of her wrist, assisting her to hold her arms up. This is it, this is gonna be so good! I just wish I have a camera with me..



"D-did I do it? Is it okay?", she asked, she had her eyes shut. I chuckled, I shook my head then gave her a kiss on top of her head, "It's okay Natsuki, you can open your eyes", there's really nothing to be afraid of.

I guess this is really her first time, feeding a stallion.

"D-did I do it?", she asked, peeking an eye open. The horse in front of us already devoured the apple she's holding out earlier, Natsuki eyes sparkled with joy, "That wasn't too bad, I thought he's gonna chew my hand off!", she started to caress the horse's head, but she backs away when the horse snickered.

I laughed then picked up the sack on the ground, then handed it to Natsuki. "Can you do me a favor and feed the rest? I still need to get the tools that we need", Natsuki nods eagerly then proceeded to feed the horses with the sack full of apples in hand. I grab the box above the tower of haystack without difficulty, just the advantage of being tall.

"Hey Yuri, you seem to know this place very well. You've been here more often?", Natsuki asked, I smiled then picked up the brush from the box. "I used to visit this place as a kid a lot with my dad, back then when he's still not a businessman", I went over to Natsuki, then opened the fence. I chuckled when she backs away, "He won't hurt you, he's on a leash", stepping inside, I started to caress the horse's muzzle, "It's been a while Midnight", he made a neigh sound after I said he's name.

"Wow, this is your horse?", Natsuki asked, still keeping her distance with this magnificent animal next to me, but I prefer to call him, a friend. "My father, whether you believe it or not, used to work here in the stables and taking care of these horses. We were so poor back then, until he eventually got a new job at the city. Long story short, me and my family lived at this island for 3 years, and my parents were able to bought this after what it seems like a decade. To be honest, this is the first time that I'm back here for so long, and I miss this place so much, especially my friend Midnight, he was just a small pony back then, now look at him!", I started to mess Midnight's face, I named him Midnight because he's all covered in black.

"Wow", I gazed over at Natsuki, who's shocked, and admiration written on her face. "I didn't expect your backstory to be this, this adventurous", she said, making me laugh.

"Really? Did you think of me as a spoiled rich brat who got rich parents since I was born? We all have hard and what it seems to be challenging past, but we were able to face it, thanks to our parents who worked so hard for us day and night, and sometimes, you forget that everything they do is for the good of their child's sake", and all I ever give them in return is nothing but trouble, and worry.

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