Chapter 37: Karaoke (Part 1); Perfect Two

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Natsuki's POV

"This cake is delicious! You should try it Monika!", the bubbly Sayori picked up a piece of the cake using her fork then brought it closer to Monika's face. I secretly rolled my eyes when Ms. brunette happily ate it and gave Sayori a peck on her forehead, what a sight.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, sitting next to me is Yuri and holding a spoon of ice cream, holding it close to my face and expecting me to eat it, yeah right! I frowned and turned away, ignoring her. At the corner of my eye, I saw her slumped on her seat then ate the ice cream herself. I feel a little bad about it but I'm sure it's okay, I think.

"You can feed me instead Yuri", the bitch said. Right, I forgot she's here too. Believe me I tried to keep her out of the way but since Sayori's the one who asked us, there's nothing I can do about it. "Okay", Yuri said softly. Wait a minute, what?!

Bitch ass Mars giggled like a fool and stood up, she leaned in and about to eat the ice cream that Yuri's offering her when I grab her arm then quickly devoured the whole thing. I heard the bitch complained of course, but not about me. She's struggling to get out of Yukiho's grip because the girl is restraining her, thank you Yukiho, you and I are officially best friends, I mentally said while grinning stupidly, the sight of Mars is ridiculously funny.

Carl is busy eating his food while Marie is observing us silently. Monika and Sayori has they're own little world over there, they look cute. Then I realized I'm still holding Yuri's hand, I yelped when I saw the look she's giving me, all annoyed and pissed, she looked like a wild dog. "What?", I blurted then gave her a glare.

She shook her head then moved away from me, tsk, she's only acting like this because it's her time of the month, if ya know what I mean. And yes, I know because this morning.. well, this morning..something happened in the morning okay and I had to help her. She should be thanking me right now actually! Oh wait, she already did but still! She shouldn't be mad at me!

I had to run all the way to the mini mart to bought her...her stuff and run back all the way to school again. But what can I say? I love her, not that I would admit it out loud ha! "Do you guys know where Carly is? She should be with us right now but I can't find her anywhere!", Sayori said. Now I wonder too, "She was with us during lunch right? Do you know where your sister is Carl?", Monika asked as she looked at the blonde.

"I honestly have no idea, I'll give her call right now, but I'm sure she's fine", he took his phone out of his pocket then started to contact his sister. But after a while, he frowned then scratched his nape. "I can't contact her, maybe her phone is dead. But I'm sure she's fine, she has her car with her", he started eating again.

"Aw, but I still felt bad", Sayori pouted. I cringed when she and Monika are acting all lovey-dovey again. Mars and Yukiho are fighting over something not so important and they're getting louder each second. But none of us cared, Carl and Marie are also busy, Yuri is still frowning, and I'm having my own little fun observing the weird people around me.

I sighed then nudged Yuri's arm, but the idiot only ignored me. I narrowed my eyes at her, I hate it when she ignore me, I should be the one doing that to her! "Hey", I called. Still, I got no response from her. Making me stomp my foot on the ground, I almost whined there, good thing I didn't. I'm so needy right now but I don't care! I need her to notice me! And I'm being a dummy, so what? No one has the ability to stop me.

"Yuri", I called. Still, no response. I hate this, "Hey you idiot didn't you hear-"

"Don't talk to me", she deadpanned. I glared at her then pinched her arm, "Oh come on, all of this for a stupid ice-cream? Really?", unbelievable. "Yes", she mumbled. I cling onto her arm then rest my chin on her shoulder as I looked at her, well if she won't talk to me then I have no choice but to do this.

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