Chapter 31: Just the Two of Us

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Monika's POV

I'm tired, from walking that is. Earlier after I decided to leave Sayori with her precious boyfriend behind, I thought, why not explore the woods? I mean I feel really bad and I'm exploding from the inside, spending a little time alone is what I need. Well I wouldn't really call it alone since my dog is with me, leading the way, she seems to know where she's going so I followed her everywhere. Nah, I'm on a mission right now, to retrieve Natsuki's comforter, she said it's in the cabin somewhere in the woods. Why did I agree to this you ask? Is because I've got nothing else to do, I'd rather have this torturous walk than being in a room all alone. That's what I'm planning to do if Natsuki hadn't called me, but having a walk like this is good for me nonetheless.

The only problem is, I am lost. I don't know where that cabin is and the weather doesn't look so good, and it's already noon too. "We better find that cabin before it rains, I don't want my precious Sayo to get wet", I smiled when she barked and wags her tail at me. And yes, I know it's a double meaning, move on people.

Honestly, about the encounter I had with Sayori earlier, I feel happy yet at the same time, sad and guilty about it. Knowing I was about to say something I'll regret in the end, so it's good that Carl arrived I guess? What was I gonna tell Sayori you say? Well, I was about to tell her that I like her, yes you heard me right, I. Like. Her. I realized it the moment she walked inside her house after she planted a kiss on my cheek, I still felt her soft lips on the same spot though.

But I know, it's not right and she already has a boyfriend. I felt a sick feeling in my stomach everytime I said it, I'm not completely sure what that feeling is. And why? Why is that everytime I liked someone, they're just going to turn me down? I'm so late in everything! I didn't even expect to like Sayori! My companion, the vice president of my club, my best friend!
This is so messed up!

Well, it's because it's raining already-

Oh crap it's raining! "Perfect timing!", I yelled to know one in particular. I was about to seek shelter by the nearby tree when Sayo suddenly barked and ran away. I quickly followed after her, "Hey stop running you dumb dog!", I yelled while trying to keep up to her. I thought she was going to disappear out of my sight completely when she stopped then spun around barking, as if she's waiting and calling for me. Well, I immediately felt bad for calling her dumb.

"Oh crap!", I accidentally tripped on something then fall onto the ground with a loud thud. The rain is getting heavier each second, I quickly stood up then started to run again, my clothes are already soaking wet and there's a lot of dirt from the mud.

I came to a halt when I saw a wooden house, this must be the cabin that Natsuki was talking about. Without thinking much to it, I crossed the bridge then quickly went inside the cabin without hesitation, thunderclaps can be heard from the outside. The whole cabin is dark, only the light coming from the open window can help me see right now. I felt Sayo shaking next to me, it's good to know that I'm not the only one who's wet from the rain. That made me feel a little better, I think.

This place is really dark, so I placed my hand inside my pocket to get my cellular phone. But it's not there, I don't have it. I must've lost it when I tripped over earlier, I kick the wall in frustration. Not only is that phone very expensive, but it's my only chance to call someone for help, here goes my chances of being saved right now.

"Great, just great", I muttered. But I know there's no use in complaining, I have to do something. If I'm going to spend the night here, might as well make sure I don't die from hypothermia. Then I saw a fireplace at the corner of my eye, I quickly, but carefully, approached it then kneeled in front. There's already firewood underneath, now I just have to find something I can use to start a fire. But thank the gods when I saw one next to a vase, this is strange indeed. But it doesn't matter, it's better than seating here in the dark.

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