Chapter 12: What good are words when a smile says it all?

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Dedicated to GayForDianaCavendish

It was another normal day. The sun is high, birds are singing outside and the weather is just perfect. The tall, and purple headed girl has this smile plastered on her face as she stared at herself at the mirror. She wore a simple jeans and a white and purple long sleeved shirt, and a pair of tennis shoes. The cuts were somehow hidden under the cloth, which is good.

Originally she was supposed to wear something more 'fashionable' for her to impress her 'date', but Sayori told her that Natsuki likes simple clothing instead of those fancy, and expensive ones.

But the clothes doesn't matter, it was her that matters the most. But what if she won't come? What if she decided to leave and-

Yuri shook her head, now's not the time to be thinking like that. Natsuki will be there, just think about what you'll do later on with her. Again, she smiled foolishly as she applied some cologne, the lavender scented one. Just like she liked it. The smell is just comfortable. She looked at the time to see it's already 2:31.

No time to loose! Natsuki will be there any minute and you have to get there first. Grabbing her wallet and her phone she got out of the room. Locking the front door she went to her car then sped off towards the carnival. As she was driving she thought of the pinkette again, is she getting ready too? I wonder what her outfit will be like? Unexpectedly, she thought of Natsuki wearing a tight cat suite looking seductively at her.

She gripped the steering wheel then hit the brakes when she saw a brunette crossing the street. The girl stopped then yelled about her being a reckless driver, then she recognize who it was. It was Natsuki's teacher. She apologized and continued driving again.

Even in her thoughts she could end up hurting someone just thinking about Natsuki. That girl really has an affect on her, like a lot. She then saw the carnival by the distance, the streets were filled with people already. She parked her car near the park then got out.

She was wandering the carnival looking for the familiar pinkette, then she saw her by the ball toss booth. Standing patiently, crossing her arms over her chest while staring at the people passing by.

Yuri smiled at the sight, Natsuki is wearing a pink dress that stopped just above her knee. Her hair's still tied into two pigtails as always, she looked so cute that Yuri just wanted to kidnap and keep her in her house forever. That's probably a bad idea.
But then again that could always be her second option, she shook her head lightly before approaching Natsuki.

"Hey Nat-", she stopped when she saw Sayori. Sayori just appeared out of nowhere and started to have a chat with Natsuki.

What is she doing here?

Then all of a sudden Monika and MC approached the two and started talking. Rephrase that, what are they doing here?

"Is she gonna be here any minute?", she heard Monika asked. Even with the loud people around her she could still clearly hear them. Monika's wearing a white dress, which did look good on her.

"I'm sure she'll be here soon", MC said. He's wearing a polo shirt, while Sayori's wearing a blue short shorts and a pink jacket, "Your right, let's just be patient and wait guys-", she stopped when she saw Yuri looking at her.

The girl gulped, "O-oh! Looks like she's f-finally here!", she stuttered. All heads turned to look at Yuri, who seems to be suddenly in a bad mood.

"Yuri! Thank goodness your finally here", the group approached her then greeted her. As Monika and MC said something about her being late, she wasn't listening at all. She is looking coldly at Sayori and the coral haired girl just stood there nervously staring back at her. This got Natsuki's attention and she raised a brow at them.

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