Chapter 35: About you Now

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Monika's POV

I, Monika Richards respect they're relationship, they love each other till their last breath but this is just unacceptable. Natsuki stood there, eyes wide and beyond shock, she has a messy and tousled hair while Yuri is sitting on the ground without anything on, even I felt even more embarrassed for them. Out here in the open? Really?

Sayori gave Natsuki a puzzled look, then her eyes went down to the naked woman next to Natsuki. I furrowed my eyebrows then took a step closer to Sayori, I covered her eyes while standing directly behind her. "H-hey! Monika!", she whined, she tried to get my hand out of the way but I won't let her, this scene is too much for her innocent mind to handle. I think.

Yuri immediately picked up her clothes from the ground, Natsuki made her way towards her then stood in front of her, facing me and preventing me from seeing a naked Yuri. But it's already too late for that now isn't it Natsuki? I cleared my throat, "So, you've been busy huh?", I know it's not a good time to tease her right now but I can't help it. Imagining them doing it right here last night is kinda funny.

Natsuki glared at me and struggles to maintain a straight face. She was never straight, my mind blurted. "I don't know what your talking about", she said, she even had the guts to deny it even though we already caught them.

It was my idea to go and search for them, I wanted they're help for something very, very important. I got up early in the morning but I accidentally woke Sayori up because I tripped on my dumb dog, she insisted that she should go with me and I don't have the power to resist her puppy dog eyes. I never told her about my plan of course, she'll eventually know later on. That is, if I have the guts to do it.

Yesterday, me and Sayori had a little bonding. It was fun and simple, we explored the whole island with goofy smiles on our faces all day. Though I feel a little bad for missing Yukiho's party, but nonetheless my time with Sayori is also important, I'll cherish it for the rest of my life. And I know we haven't clearly brought up the topic about Carl yet..and I know what we did is wrong and it's considered cheating. But we will later on, and we plan to talk to him face to face to clear this problem.

Yet we encountered this very messed up scene. They messed each other last night didn't they?

"Sayori can look now", Natsuki said as Yuri got up from the ground, her clothes a crumpled mess and her hair's tousled. So this is what it looks like after sex? Oh shush it Monika.

I took my hand away from Sayori's eyes, she started to rub them as if she just woke up from a sleep. Then she looked at the two, all happy and she let out a piercing scream. "Oh my goodness! You two did it didn't you?! Eeeeee! I gotta take a picture of this!", she takes her phone out of her pocket then took a picture of them before Natsuki can stop her. "Delete that right now!", Natsuki yelled.

Sayori only sticks her tongue out at her then ran away when Natsuki started to chase her, the pinkette had trouble at first because well..because she's tired I guess. They run around me like a bunch of children, Sayori hid behind my back and Natsuki was about to hit her when I gave her a glare, stopping her form doing so. She made a pfft noise, "Your lucky Monika's here, just wait when the time comes, I'll take your phone", she threatened. I knew Sayori didn't take it seriously and just laughed at her.

Speaking of phone, I found mine in the middle of the woods yesterday, all crack and broken. I can get a new one but I still felt bad because it was my mom's gift on my birthday last two years ago. And it's all Natsuki's fault, I knew I shouldn't blame her and my phone would still be alive if it wasn't for her dumb yet brilliant plan. What am I saying? I should thank the girl, but my phone- argh! Forget about the phone, I'm rich so I can buy as much as I want, I can buy anything that I want!

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