Chapter 27: Concerned? Or Paranoid?

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Third Person's POV

"Mind giving me a hand here?", Yukiho said while dragging the suitcase with difficulty since she's holding a bag at her shoulder and a huge backpack. Her older cousin looked back at her and stared at her in disbelief, "Why do want to bring so much stuff? We're only going on a 3 days trip yet you looked like you were about to move and live there", the older girl finds it funny that her cousin really prepared so much for the trip.

"You know I have to be extra prepared, and besides as the birthday girl I need to get everything in order, including the activities we'll do and the rooms we'll stay-"

"Rooms?", her older cousin asked while helping her placing her suitcase and bags at the back of the van, it's already 6:01 in the morning and they still need to pick up the guys at they're houses.

"Yeah, uncle and auntie decided to let us stay at they're rest house, we have the whole island to ourselves haha! And what's good is that the staffs will do whatever I told them to!", she exclaimed then threw her fist in the air. Yuri rolled her eyes when she saw her cousin's shirt went upwards showing her toned stomach. But she decided to tease her about it, "You eat a lot don't you?", she asked, making her cousin stop from swaying her body from side to side in a weird way, I think people like her called it 'victory dance'.

"What? Why do you say that?", Yukiho asked. Her older cousin smiled innocently at her, I can't believe she could make a face like that, she thought. "I noticed you gained weight  each day, and you have a lot of body fat on your stomach", she teased, which caused the younger girl's face to turn into pure horror.

"What?! I do not! Look at this abs! Do you not see this abs?! This body is like a God you know? Yet you dare tell me that I have a-", Yuri ignored her then entered the van at the back, her cousin is full of hot air everytime she threw a tantrum, she cared and loved that girl and all but she can be pretty hilarious and annoying, she chuckled to herself when she realized that the two of them really do look and act alike.

Yukiho decided to sit at the front next to the driver, the man's been working for Yuri's parents for 16 years therefore he can be trusted, and Yuri knows that Yukiho and the driver get along pretty well since the man was once Yukiho's babysitter. They decided to fetch up Monika first since her house is just a few blocks from the Watson residence, hearing her cousin and the driver sharing stories from the good old days made Yuri smile as she stared out of the window, watching the sun about to rise up at the horizon, I wish Natsuki's here to see this, I wish she's here with me, she thought.

The van stopped and she saw Monika standing outside of her house with a bag in hand, Yukiho got out of the van, but instead of greeting Monika, she kneeled down then started to pet the white siberian husky next to the brunette, after greeting each other, Yukiho got in the front seat again and Yuri opened the car door for Monika to get inside, once Monika's bag is settled at the back, she took a seat next to Yuri, the seat is good for three people so there's a lot of space. "How are you doing Monika?", Yuri asked.

"Good", Monika simply said while eyeing her dog that's roaming around the van. "So that's her huh?", Yuri eyed the collar that the dog is wearing, Monika's cheeks turned a shade of red and she looked away from her friend, "Yes", she simply said. She's glad Yuri decided to change the subject and asked her about the trip instead, the two of them had a fun and decent conversation not until the van stopped in front of a familiar house. They saw Natsuki got out of the front door while waving her dad goodbye, the pinkette entered the van and placed her bag at the bottom of the nearby seat, the three greeted each other then Natsuki decided to sit next to Monika, now the brunette is sandwiched between the two love birds, does this mean I'm being the third wheel again? Monika thought and mentally facepalm herself, oh boy, I hope my dear friend Yuri is okay with this knowing that girl is overly possessive with her girlfriend. Lovers, Monika sighed.

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