Chapter 8: Foxy

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Natsuki's POV

After placing some stuffs inside my locker, I slammed it close with a loud sigh. "Natsuki!", oh no. Please not now.

"Yes Sayori?", I turned around and faced her, and force a smile out.
Yeah, things didn't go so well at Yuri's house- erm, mansion I mean. Things get a little awkward. Okay, a lot more awkward than I thought. Monika and Sayori slept on the extra mattress while I, am stuck sleeping next to HER.

You think that happened? No. I decided to sleep on the couch on the living room instead. And might I tell that was not comfortable, add the fact that I didn't have anything to protect me from the damn cold. But it's strange though, when I woke up the next day I had a blanket wrapped around me. A purple one, could Yuri possibly gave that to me? Should I thank her? I-I'll thank her later on. But the last time I tried to thank her ended up pretty badly.

"Shall we walk to class?", she asked. Hmm, wait something's off about her.
Her uniform is wrinkled, hair's messy and she has bags under her eyes. "Sayori..are you okay?", I asked. Did she even slept last night? I'll strangle Yuri if she's the reason why Sayori's like this! I knew that sleepover is a bad idea!

"What are you talking about?", she asked as if she didn't know what I'm talking about. "Stop that, you know what I mean. You look like a zombie you know? Is it because of the sleepover? I'll kick Yuri's ass if it is!"

She chuckled, "You know, kicking your girlfriend's behind is not a good idea". I glared at her. "Where the fuck did you get that damn idea?", this is what I hate the most, the teasing.

"Well, doesn't it confirms your activities in the bedroo-", I placed my hand on her mouth. "I already explained it you didn't I?! So quit shipping us already!", I backed away from her. She just smiled at me, "Oh little Natsuki, your way obvious especially when she's around. But you don't have to get mad at her all the time you know", she said.

My face heats up at the thought of Yuri, I ignored it then glared at her. "Sh-shut up! We're gonna be late for class!", I grab her by the arm then stormed off.

My freaking mind is all messed up again. And Yuri's not even here! God!
"Natsuki?", Sayori called.


"Do you you think Monika", I stopped then faced her.
Sayori has her head low and she's playing and twirling her fingers. This is interesting, "Oh? Monika likes who?", I decided to put on a teasing tone. But still, Sayori still has her head low.

"Do you think Monika.. Likes MC?", woah, I didn't expect it to be him.
"What makes you think she likes that weirdo?", I said. She looked up then glared at me. "MC's not a weirdo!", as soon as she said that she immediately looked away. What's wrong with her?

"Sayori, are you sure your feeling okay?", she acting waaaaay weirder than usual. I saw her eyes widen, she quickly gave me a smile. "O-of course! Just asking that's all", then she left.

Something's definitely going on, and I had to find out. "Wait for me!", I ran after her.

"Okay class, today we have a free period. That means early dismissal, so go and get out of the room or whatever", Ms. Jackson said while taking her phone out of her pocket then plunged her earphones.

The thing I like about this teacher is that she doesn't care whatever her students does, and this is the only period where I get to read manga without anyone scolding me. I looked at the time on the wall clock, one hour left before the club starts. The girls still must be in class.

What am I going to do then?

I felt someone tap my shoulder. A guy with blonde hair stood there, even I didn't know the names of my classmates. "Hi, Natsuki right?", the hell does he want?

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