Chapter 53: Fairygodmother?

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Natsuki's POV

"Splendid! Such audacious decision to let me help you with this! It's like a mother and daughter bonding time! Oops, you aren't exactly my daughter just yet, aren't you dear?", Yuri's mother yet again poked my cheek while doing my hair. I mean, I can just do it myself but the lady's very persistent, and even if I made up another excuse she would still ended up doing what she wants anyway. I'm starting to rethink this whole having her as my own 'personal' and 'professional' makeup artist thing.

And wait, her daughter? I tried my hardest not to smile since I'm currently staring at myself at the mirror, it's humiliating. "And it's such a clever idea of you couples to separate yourselves while changing! Oh the thrill! The excitement! Such delight! I can picture it dear daughter waiting at the school entrance...and her princess stepping out of the royal carriage! Or limousine rather. Then after that, a formal hand greeting kiss- or whatever it's called! Then onto the dance floor....dim lights....and oh my gosh holding each others hands as the music fills the palace! Or school! What a fairy tale come true~"

"Seesh Mrs. Watson you're kinda spoiling it", I giggled. The way she said the last part in a singsong is funny, not to mention her eyes are gleaming.

And honestly I'm really excited about this, I mean who doesn't? But I yelped all of a sudden when she started pinching my cheek, way too hard. "We've been over this remember? I want you to call me mom, M-O-M. Got it sweetie?", I quickly responded with a 'yes' multiple times, causing her to let go and planted a kiss on it. Okay maybe it isn't so bad. "Huh..I really prefer your hair down but this is what you want so here you go! Done!", she clapped her hands with delight. Well I'd be damned, she does know how to tie my hair just like how I do it! I smiled a bit as I took my time to appreciate her handiwork.

"Okay! Now let us commence dress-up!", I saw her walking near the bed and picked up the grostique distortion of frock that I'm about to wear. Well it's not really that bad but wearing a dress seems weird to me, especially since the last time I wore one was when I was a kid, my mom gave it to me as a gift for my 6th birthday. But sadly I had to uhm..burn it. I just thought it would make me forget about her to..lessen the pain and move on but it only made things worse for me as the years passed. My father got mad and punished me for burning such priced textile. All the things that he used to cuss and yell at me angers me a but, add the nasty beating.

Oh dad. I was so desperate to feel the love and care of a father that I didn't even bother thinking of the possibilities that he can take advantage of, and the things that he can do, such as killing his own goddamn daughter. I'm so confused just..why..why would he do such thing.

"Sweetie? Do you not like the dress?", I shook my head a bit, Mrs. Watson- I mean's voice brought me back to reality. She's right next to me, holding the dress in hand while giving me a worried look. Crap it must've been this..way too expressive look on my face dammit, stupid memories.

"N-not at all! I do like the dress! It's just uh..I was just..thinking of something, I spaced out haha!", I started scratching the back of my head while giving the older woman a toothy grin. Well what I said was partly true though, I've got nothing to worry about. But then she started leaning a bit closer, "Sweetie, I'm not blind. I thought we established trust here, you know you can always talk to me. So come on, don't be shy, what is it?", she hanged the dress on the nearby closet and walked back up to me. I sighed, no point in hiding now I guess. Ugh, adults.

I gulped, "I know how dangerous things are now because of my dad and uh...I just recalled a memory of my mom but over all I'm okay really!", I tried to sound a bit cheery like Sayori, I don't wanna talk about this sorta thing at a time like this, and most of all it's embarrassing because this is Yuri's mother, I couldn't just..straight up talk to her about feelings and junk that would make me sound like a complete looser! And I can't bare the thought of someone important to me hating on me again! I just can't! Damn this I hate paranoia.

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