Chapter 20: Watson Clan

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Yuri's POV

"Hold on, where the hell are you taking me?", asked the cute little gremlin sitting beside me on the passenger's seat. I smiled then sneakily placed my hand on her lap, which of course that she swatted away.

I chuckled while she glares at me, "Just relax okay? We're just going for a quick snack, then we can head home  together", I started to smile foolishly.

"A snack huh? But I'm not hungry", she said.

Oh but I am hungry, pretty hungry actually.

I gripped the stirring wheel, these thoughts are killing me. I am a perverted human being, only to Natsuki of course. I'm happy that the girl now belongs to me, and damn she's hot when she's jealous-

Stop. Nope. Shut up.

We arrived at the fast food restaurant, after I parked the car I got out then opened the passenger's seat, Natsuki looked at me for a moment before getting out. "Didn't picture you as a gentlewoman", I chuckled after she said that.

Natsuki ordered a medium sized burger, fries and cola, while I just got a glass of plain iced water. We took a seat by the window, after a few minutes our orders came, I watched as Natsuki started to devour her meal, I must've stared at her for too long because she looked up at me, a few crumbs on her lip and cheek. "Are you sure you don't want anything asides from that?", she pointed at the glass water in front of me.

I shook my head, "I'm not really hungry", I said. There's a ketchup stain on her chin, she looks adorable and hilarious at the same time. She narrowed her eyes at me, then she picked her half eaten burger then handed it to me, "Eat", she said.

"I told you I'm not hungry-", she cut me off.

"Look, I don't want you to starve. You haven't eaten anything asides from that cupcake I gave you hours ago. So please do me a favour and eat this, I'm kinda full anyway", she said.

Another thing I loved about this girl, I took the half eaten burger from her then took a bite, Natsuki just sit there, silently watching me. I became nervous all of a sudden, sometimes, this other side of me would come back and take over, this shy and nervous side of mine.

I avoided her gaze by looking down on the table while eating the burger she gave me, this is so awkward. Then I heard her chuckle, I looked up and looked at her curiously. "W-what's so funny?", fudge it, I just stuttered.

"Oh nothing, your just too adorable!", she exclaimed. I blushed, "I should be the one telling you that", I said. Now it's her turn to blush, "Shut it! I ain't adorable, I'm cool like those action stars on TV!", I laughed at her childish retort.

Then I decided to say a nasty joke, "I thought you said 'porn stars", her eyes widen. I started to laugh, her whole face turned red as she glares at me. "You pervert!", She took an ice cube from the glass then throw it at me, it landed on my chest.

"Look what you've done? Now I'm wet!", I said. Her face turned red even more, I don't even know how that's possible. Then I realized the words I chose to say, "Natsuki that's not what I meant-", I was cut of short when she started to throw the fries at me.

"Yuri you stupid perverted idiot!", she yelled as she keeps on picking and throwing the fries at me, not caring if some of the people stared at us. God this girl! I just said a joke! Then she acts like this and waste perfectly good food.

She stopped when there's no more fries left to throw, she's fuming I can tell. "You always bring out the worst in me you know that?", she said as she furrowed her eyebrows at me.

I laughed then placed my hand on top of hers that was resting on the table, "Your worst brings out my best", I said. Glad to have this confident and cheesy side of mine back, her cheeks turned a shade of pink, she looked away from me.

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